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Monty pulls up in my parking lot and looks over at me "your room?" He asked I shake my head "hell no to the boys room out back" I say he nods I open my door but regret it as I go flying onto the ground unable to hold my balance

I laugh as Monty makes his way over to me helping me up and shutting my door he put a supporting arm around my waist and walked to the boys room

he knocked on the door and it took a second before it went flying open and Clay was standing there "I think this belongs to you" Monty joked as he pushed passed him and helped me in

"oh no you're leaving?" I ask Monty he nods "sorry" he said laughing he laid me down on the couch and looked at the boys "we had fun" Monty said "I swear to god if you touched her" Justin said jumping at Monty

"dude chill" Monty said smirking like Monty does I stood up "I think you should go" I slur pointing at Monty and taking a step but nearly falling but Justin caught me

"Jesus Leave her alone Monty" Justin said pointing at him as he walked off "what the hell kens?" Clay asked I looked over at him as Justin sat me on the couch

"did he touch you?" Justin asked I looked over at him "who?" I ask looking at him "Monty" Clay said I shake my head "no we just talked" I say leaning back "about what?" Justin asked

"I don't remember" I say laughing and then suddenly started crying "what is wrong?" Justin asked confused at the sudden mood change "I miss Zach" I say wiping my tears

"well lucky you we are going to see him so let's go drink this" Justin said handing me a water bottle "why are we going to see Zach" I ask as we walk to clays car

"meeting at monets" Clay said I nod "okay" I say smiling as we drove off

We walked in and Ani Jess Zach and tony were all sitting and waiting for us "omg hey I didn't know you guys were gonna be here" I say laughing and sitting down next to Zach

"what the fuck is up with her?" Tony asked "she's drunk she was with fucking Monty" Justin said I leaned my head on Zach "I missed you" I say smiling "you did?" He asked I nod we started talking about what Clay found with Tyler

"Tony and I will get rid of the gun" Clay said nodding "because we just believe him?" Zach asked "we believed you" Clay said "where's Alex?" I perk up from laying on Zach's arm

"he's on a ride-along with his dad guess it's the only time they get to spend together nowadays" Jess spoke looking at me I nod "right I forgot" I say quietly

"yeah okay see this is the things guys this is a murder investigation and we're hiding Tyler and his gun" Zach started but go cut off "Bryce wasn't shot" Justin said leaning forward "there was a hole in the back of his head" Clay said

"so the papers guessed it was a gunshot they were wrong it's saying he was beaten" Justin said we all looked around at each other's and I locked eyes with Jessica we both had a worried expression on our face I felt like I was gonna be sick "this is this is so fucked up" Zach said

"Zach" Justin said Zach got up making my head fall onto the table "ow" I say rubbing my head he quickly grabbed his crutches "no you know what? You guys do whatever the hell you want I don't want to know about it not anymore" Zach spoke storming off out of monets

"they think it might be blunt force trauma and they're looking for the nurse weapon they're dragging up the river on both sides of the bridge" Tony spoke nervously "oh shit" Clay explained "the river? Let me guess it's that where you guys dumped Tyler's guns?" Justin asked

"correct" Tony replied "new plan needed for this one then" Clay said referring to the gun "give me the gun" I say looking at him "absolutely not" Tony said "what why?" I ask "they way you've been acting hell no you're not getting a gun" Justin said

"give it to me I'll deal with it" he continued "speaking of gun I went to Tyler's and he told me that he had a chance to kill Bryce and didn't take it he was gonna shot him in a hotel room last year after spring fling because Monty told him shit and Tyler said you were there Is that true?" Clay asked everyone looked at me

"I-um" I stutter "I'm gonna be sick" I say quickly racing off to the bathroom throwing up I get up flush the toilet and walk over to the mirror and break down crying

the door opened and I looked over and saw Jessica "Kens did something happen?" Jessica ask me I shake my head "no i Jess I don't want to offend you or hurt you or make your situation feel invalid but that night I was with Bryce he wanted Tyler to kill him and he fucking cried Jess I saw a different side of Bryce I thought I would never see and I don't know he changed at least to me" I say crying

"kens" she said pulling me into a tight hug "I'm so sorry" I say "there nothing for you to be sorry for" Jessica said "I want this all to just stop" I say she nods

"me too kens" she spoke "come on let's go the others are waiting" Jess softly said grabbing my hand leading me out of the bathroom to the rest of the group

Word count:992

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