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Eight months. It's been eight months since the spring fling events happened so much has happened since then more secrets have been made there's even more tension in the group

I stood in the hall with Justin and Zach my arms crossed as I leaned up against the locker "are you coming over later?" Zach asked me I look up at him rubbing my tired eyes "I can't" I say his smile dropped and a look of disappointment took over his face "why?" He asked

"um I" I dragged looking away from him and then over at Justin for help on trying to make up a lie

"Mrs.Jensen needs me to be home" I say looking back to Zach who looks behind me to Justin with a confused look "sorry" I say shrugging and quickly walking off with Charlie and 2 otheres as they walked pasted us the boys quickly following though I couldn't tell Zach what I was actually doing he'd be mad and I can't deal with that right now

i was talking to Charlie about about all the newest high school drama as I could hear Justin and Zach whispering form behind me we turn a corner and quickly enter the library taking a seat I sat between Zach and Charlie and look around at the other boys and realize Justin must of split off from us

I pulled out a book and began reading it as the other boys just started at me I slowly look up from my book at them "what?" I question looking around Charlie leans over to me "I think they want your homework answer" he spoke

I sigh looking at the boys who are smiling holding there pencil in one had and math paper in front of them I lean over and pick up my bag opening it and putting my homework out in front of me as they all reach for it at once and began fighting I roll my eyes going back to my book laughing a little

The boys were calm and I already finished three chapters of my book before a bag slams down making me flinch before looking up and seeing Jessica "do you mind?" She asked the other Charlie hands me my homework before looking at me as if asking if I was going to come

"I'll catch up with you later" I say as he nods and takes off with the others I look back over to Zach and Jessica earning a confused look from Jess and a death glare from Zach

Jess shakes her head and takes a seat in front of Zach "what the hell do you want Jess?" Zach asked with a bit of sass "the cops took Clay they prep walked him out of school Ani saw just now" Jess spoke "shit" I say closing my book and leaning forward more interested in the conversation "do you think they know about Tyler?" Zach asked nervously looking around

"do you think so did you tell them?" She replied I can see why she would think Zach would tell he was being extremely weird that night "are you fucking serious? No Of course I didn't tell them" Zach said in defense "really cause you've been pretty hostile to everyone lately" Jess said I nod in agreement only earning a look from Zach

"no I've just been pretty hostile to you lately plus this whole Tyler thing happened 8 months ago" Zach shot at Jess "why would I say anything now?" Zach asked "why else would they want Clay?" Jess asked looking over at me I hold a confused look on my face trying to think of possibilities

"how would I know?" Zach asked throwing his hands up "did something happen this weekend? What did you do after the homecoming game?" Jess asked I became nervous at that question shifting uncomfortably in my seat as Jess looks at me "not very damn much I was with kens" Zach said looking over at me and back at Jess Jess looked at me as the bell rings and Zach goes to take off

"Zach" Jess spoke "I have to go to history" he said rudely and stood up grabbing his crutches and leaving Jess looked back at me "why did he lie?" I ask her she shook her head "I don't know but he definitely didn't do not very damn much" she spoke I nod I watch him leave confused as to what he was hiding

"let's go find Alex" she said I nod as we quickly get up going in the same direction Zach did we get outside and see Alex talking to Zach

"Alex" I say making him look at us "the cops were just here they took Clay in" Jess said "okay" Alex said not really caring "okay?" I question "yeah I mean Clays not gonna say anything about anybody kens Jess come on" he said shrugging wanting us to walk with him and Zach

"I have to go" Jess said walking off I stood in front of Alex "I don't wha-" I start "come on kens" I hear Jess yell I look over at her still walking "sorry" I say to the two before running after Jess "maybe you should calm down" I say to Jess "kens do you know how bad this could get? Especially now and for us" she said shaking her head I pull her in for a hug

"I know it's gonna be okay though just breath okay Justin and I can figure it out" I say she nods

||flash back|| there was a loud knock on the front door as I quickly got up and let Zach in "you took the pictures?" He asked I nod "I burned them" I say Zach gives me a what the fuck look I sigh "Zach you don't understand I needed to do it" I say just making him run a hand through his hair and pace back and forth in the Jensen living room Justin suddenly came down the stairs "Zach we gotta go" Justin said making him nod "where are you going?" I ask "the police station we have a story don't worry" Justin said I nod as they both hurried out the door leaving me there alone ||end flashback||

Word count: 1081

Sorry I haven't uploaded in so long my grandpa got really sick and just recently passed away but I'm gonna try uploading more now I'm sorry ♥️

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