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||flashback last year after spring fling||
Me and Bryce have been secretly hanging out ever since spring fling currently we were sitting in a hotel room smoking together laughing about stupid shit

"Do you remember that one time when you asked me out in 4th grade" i say making him laugh "dude I picked flower for you and you fucking said no" he said us laughing

"I was in love with Jeff" I say laughing "you've always been in loved with Jeff I'm surprised you dated Zach" Bryce admit

Sudden there was a loud know on the door and we stopped laughing "yeah what?" Bryce yelled handing me the bong "open the fucking door" I hear Tyler yell

"what the fuck" I say setting the bong down "Tyler?" Bryce questioned getting up and to the door as soon as he opened it Tyler stormed in holding a gun up to Bryce

"Jesus Tyler"Bryce said backing up with his hands up I quickly stood up "shut up get back" Tyler said "dude what the fuck is going on?" I ask jumping up and standing next to Bryce "did you know?" Tyler asked Bryce

"about Monty did you know?" Tyler shouted "what about Monty?" Bryce calmly asked "he said nothing happened at liberty without you knowing is that true?" Tyler said angry

"not anymore what did Monty do to you?" Bryce ask I looked between the too boys nervously hoping to god no one gets hurts "Jesus Tyler what did he do?" I finally say something and when I do the gun gets pointed to me my hands instantly go up

"he said he didn't do shit without you telling him to" Tyler said through his tears pointing the gun back to Bryce "Monty did a bunch without me telling him to he went off the rails last year dude the trial the whole Hannah thing it all freaked him out what is this about?" Bryce asked looking over at me

"you know about spring fling right? You saw what I almost did? Are you gonna tell anyone? The police?" Tyler interrogated "I talked to the police that night I didn't say anything and I'm not going to" Bryce said

"why? Why wouldn't you?" Tyler asked pointing the gun more in his face "why would I?" Bryce asked I bite my lip hard wanting this to end soon "because you hate me!" Tyler shouted

"I don't hate you Justin helped you and kens and I have hurt them enough in this life so I'm not gonna narc on them now" Bryce said looking over at me this is the moment I realized Bryce is really changing for the better

"so it was for Justin and kens?" Tyler questioned looking over at me "they saved you man that's decent maybe I like to think someone would do that for me" Bryce spoke slowly putting his hands down

"no no we're not the same you hurt people I didn't" Tyler shouted "aren't you here to hurt me now?" Bryce questioned and laughed "so do it man" he said

"Bryce" I say what the fuck is he doing "seriously if it'll make you feel better go ahead" Bryce spoke sitting down at the end of the bed "no Tyler don't" I say making them both look at me

"you'd be doing me a favor" Bryce said I heard the hurt in his voice "you don't want to die" Tyler spoke still holding the gun at him "come on dude you could kill the monster this town would celebrate" Bryce said I look over at him

"Bryce shut up Tyler just breath you don't wanna do this" I say slowly making my way over to Bryce "you're right I hurt people I don't get to start over cause no ones gonna let me well except kens I've failed everyone so go ahead shoot me" Bryce sadly spoke looking down at the ground

Tyler held the gun towards Bryces head and I stepped in front of the gun "Tyler stop it" I say quickly trying to think of ways to stop this

"kens he hurt you?" He questioned "I know I know it's okay I'm okay no one else needs to get hurt" I say softly "go home Tyler" I say he gives one last look to Bryce before putting the gun down and walking out

I turn to Bryce "what the fuck was that you could of died" I say smacking his arms looking at him he looked up at me hurt and pain cover his face

I pull him into a hug wrapping my arms around his neck as he put his arms around my waist "it's okay" I say as I feel Bryce start to cry ||end flashback||

What do you guys think of this secret friendship kens has with Bryce? Any suggestions on how the others should react when they find out

Word count: 823

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