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Me and Justin sat awkwardly staring everywhere but at each other "so" he says I look at him "why did you wanna talk?" I ask confused there a list of things he could know but I'm not even gonna bring anything up until he does don't want to rat myself out "I know kens" he said my eyebrows raised know what that I slept with Monty and Alex? My self harm that I kissed Zach where I was on homecoming

"About what?" I ask fidgeting with my hands he sighed and crossed his arms "I know that you snuck out with Monty a couple nights ago" he said I let out a breath I was holding relief filled my body "uh yeah I did" I say "he hasn't tried anything on you right?" He asked my eyes widened "no no Monty wouldn't do that" I say thinking about the boy making my heart skip a beat do I like Monty? But what about Zach things are actually going good between us "good good I don't want to have to beat his ass" he said making me laugh

"where did you guys go?" He asked "the park all we did was talk" I say shrugging "about what?" He asked I look away then back to him "the clubhouse" I say he nods "are you okay?" He asked i nod "better I guess" I say not meeting his eyes "how are you?" I ask looking up at him "yeah I'm just worried about you" he said I chuckle and put my head in my hands rubbing my eyes

"why? Why is everyone so worried about me? I'm fine" I ask "because we care and you're going through a lot we just want to be there for you but we can't when you freak out and push people away" he said I bite my cheek down

"I've been going through a lot since I met Hannah and I've been really good at hiding it from people then Jeff died and I lost my person the one person I didn't have to hide it from and it got harder then Hannah died and it felt like the world came and crushed me ten times harder and I can't hide it anymore I just can't do it" I spoke more to myself then Justin

"so I'm sorry if I seem crazy or insane but I'm just trying to figure it all out" I say running my hands through my hair "it hasn't been easy I don't know how to cope properly and have done something that I know aren't healthy" I say not meeting his eyes

"what do you mean?" He asked I sigh before slowly rolling up my sleeve showing him as he leaned forward grabbing my wrist he looked speechless "I know I'm sorry when I did it I wasn't thinking about the affect it would have on everyone else" I say trying not to cry he looked up at me "kens you promised me you would never hurt yourself or try to kill yourself" he said hurt I pull my arm away and roll my sleeve back down "I know I know I'm sorry I wasn't thinking I thought it would help" I say

"what did you do with the gun?" He asked "I still have it" I say he sighed "when we get home I want it and I want what we you're hurting yourself with" he said I nod he stood up I knew he was upset with me I slowly stood up and followed behind him

"Where is it?" Justin asked as we walked into my room I open my drawer as he reached in and pulled out the gun and the pill bottle and the blade "is this everything?" He asked "yeah" I say He nods "please talk to me if you need help I don't want to plan your funeral at 17 okay?" He spoke I nod

"I'm sorry"I say he shakes his head and pulls me into a hug "it's gonna get better" he said letting go and walking out I nod and walk to the bathroom and take a shower to cool off

I walk to my room closing the door I sigh what a long fucking day I grabbed my brush so I could comb through my wet hair I here a knock on my window and I jump and set my brush down confused walk over to my window slowly it moving the curtains to see Monty I quickly open the window

"what are you doing here?" I ask walking away from the window to let him in he didn't answer me "no offense Monty but I'm really not in the mood to have sex" I say running my hands through my tangled hair as I turn to face him only to be met with a bruised faced Monty who had blood shot eyes from crying "that's not why I'm here" he said shaking his head looking down

"are you okay what happened?" I asked walking closer to him "m-my dad he kicked me out for the week and I don't where to go so I'm skipping town and I came to say goodbye" Monty said I shake my head "no your not" I say he looked up at me "i have no where else to go" Monty spoke softly

"stay here I can hide you just be quiet we can make it work" I say to him he didn't say anything but I noticed a tear slip out his eye my eyes started watering I quickly pulled him into a hug he held onto me tightly his head buried into me as he sobbed Monty never showed his emotions I didn't know what to really do at first but I'm glad he can show them to me "it will only be for 3 days then I can go back home" he choked out I nod we pull away
And I lead him to my bed I examined his face making sure there's no cuts I lightly brush my finger over his bruise and he pulled back

"I'm sorry" I say to him he shakes his head "no I'm sorry kens I shouldn't be here bothering you I know you probably don't even want me here I'm always in th-" he started "Monty I'm glad you came here I would rather you be here then out roaming the streets I love you to much for something like that to happen to you" I say cutting him off he nods and laid down on my bed I do the same resting my head on his chest as he wrapped his arms tightly around me

"you love me?" He asked I chuckled "of course I do we've been friends since second grade" I say he sighed "yeah but I've changed since then" he said softly "so have I" I say back to him it was silent for a while not an awkward silence just us enjoying each other's company

Word count: 1296
Sorry this took so long I was so stuck and school started please don't yell at me :(

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