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3rd person pov
Alex justin Tyler jess and Zach were sitting in a circle while Ani was at the police station Clay walked in it's who was in charge of going to get ken's he held the door open as she walked in looking at all the her nerves were getting the best of her as she would have to explain everything that happened they walked Jess was the first person to stand up and hug the clearly anxious girl she looked over at everyone else the girls let go of each other and walked over to the table kensley looked down "i killed Bryce" she said to them biting her lip Zach had explained his side of the story and Kens explained what happened when she was there and why she did it

they all made their way back to the Jensens house and into Clay and Justin room

kensley pov
i still felt nervous about everything but it seemed no one else was but i had literally just confessed to murder so you can't blame me " it's fucked up about monty" Alex said me him and Zach were all sitting at a table "how did Ani know?" i ask "well Tim PoZi is as in the County lock-up when it happened and he ended up getting out that morning so he told Luke who told Charlie, Charlie Justin,Justin to Ani" Zach spoke i nod "poor monty i mean i cant believe i'm saying that but..." Alex said i shake my head

"you...asked Tyler for a gun yesterday?" Zach asked looking straight at me "yeah i... after i left you at the station i went home and wrote a confession and i... i don't know... i didn't want you to take the blame for something you didn't do" i said looking down "jesus" Zach said "kens" Zach said "i'm sorry i couldn't tell you" i say to him i was going to last night but i couldn't

"i think we should be the kind of people who can tell each other anything" Zach spoke i nod the door opened and we all looked over to see Ani and Tony i was relived i stood up and gave Ani a hug "thank you" i say i felt like crap for being such a dick to her this whole time "so what do we do now?" Tony asked "wait, hope," Ani said "it's kinda too bad that you don't have the tape i mean for last words and all that" Zach said to Jess she stood up

"we made a copy i was staring at hers "look we don't have too" Zach started "no"jess said "i think you guys should hear it" Jess said and handed it to Clay "My dad put in a tape deck i think he thought it was funny" Clay shrugged he began putting it in we all waited anxiously Zach wrapped his arms around me

Clay pressed play and it started "hey jess it's me yeah i know a tape yes i did it on purpose not to be a dick but because the day i listened to those tales my life changed and i bet the same is true for you and  Kens, Justin, Zach, and everyone and i wanted to give you this i thought you'd hear me better if i wasn't standing in front of you... you said i had no idea what i'd done to you...you were right i can't stop thinking about you um.... replaying that night in my mind" i look over at jess

"i raped you i heard you say no and i did it anyway because i wanted to and i didn't care how you felt Justin tried to stop me I wish I could tell you that there was a tiny voice in my head telling me that what i was doing to you was wrong there wasn't i never had one of those before that's not an excuse it's just... it's i raped Hannah Baker I raped Kensley Foley and i raped seven or eight other girls some of them were my girlfriends at the time" when my name was said i could feel Zach tense up and pull me closer

"i won name them but if they choose to tell you believe them i'm broken i know that i'm a person i na thousand pieces but i'm seeing a counselor it's a long hard process but little by little you start picking up the pieces and you realize that what you're making is a mirror and the more pieces you put together the more you see yourself i'd like to say that i'm not the same person who raped you anymore Jess but what i've come realize is that i'll always be him but i'm trying to be better to be someone worth something in this world i have this dram that i could be someone who protects people somehow protects them from people like me like who i was i don't know" i look around at everyone and back at the tape

" i am so...fucking sorry for what i did to you and i know words add up to nothing compared to what i took from you someone once told me that it'll take me a lifetime to learn what sorry is they're right but i'm starting" Bryce sighed and paused for a moment

"if you've listened this far thank you it's more than i deserve i wouldn't blame you if you smashed this tape to fucking pieces i would i wish you the best Jess truly goodbye" the tape ended we all look around at each other it was silent for a while then people started leaving and saying goodbye i looked at Zach since it was just us and Clay Ani jess and justin his phone buzzes

"it's my mom i gotta go dinners done" he says and pulls me in to a kiss i smile as he leaves i get up too looking at the boys and going to walk out and head to bed

word count: 1024

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