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"Kensley please take a seat" Mr.porter said leading me into his office I looked around confused as I sat down "what's going on?" I ask as Mr.Porter sat down "don't worry i just wanna ask you some questions" he said I nod still confused

"you live with Clay Jensen now?" He asked I nod "yeah" I say "last year you experienced an interaction with Clay correct?" He asked I gave him a confused look

"I had many could you be more specific?" I ask he nods "right he told you to jump off a cliff once?" He asked how does he know that "yeah but he didn't mean it" I say shrugging

"why do you think they?" He asked again I was becoming very irritated "he was just angry with me he wouldn't actually let me jump if anything he would of jumped himself" I say he nods again

"Does Clay act of anger normally?" He questioned "no he was upset and angry with me because I killed his best friends" I say

my eyes traveled up to the sheriffs standing behind him that was probably not
The best voice of words considering the circumstances

"Jeff Atkins and Hannah baker correct?" He asked I nod "look I don't know what you're doing but Clay would never hurt anyone!" I yell at them out of anger Mr.Porter winked at

"okay your good to go" he said I was extremely confused but I stood up and quickly left the office and went straight to class

I sat at the table with The Jensen Justin and Dennis my mind was still spinning in so many different directions I honestly just wanted to sleep but I had to be here

"well they pulled in Tyler Jessica... everyone" Dennis said to Clay "its a dirty way to do it" Lainie said Dennis nods in agreement "Mr.Porter said most the people defended me he said he was trying to get them to say good things about me the whole time who knows if it's true" Clay said and suddenly it clicked

"it's true!" Me and Justin said at the same time then giving each other a weird look for speaking at the same time

I look away and let him talk "he kept trying to get me to get angry at him and then he smiled and nodded at me... I couldn't figure out why but that's why" Justin said I nod

"they may have tried to defend you Clay but any statement they made about your history with Bryce can still be used against you they're building a case against you and they're moving fast so we need to be taking next steps" Dennis said

"what does that mean?" Clay ask "well in the absence of another suspect we need to focus on a strategy for your defense" he said to Clay

"this is just to be prepared that's all Clay" Matt said reassuring him "Montgomery de la Cruz they need to be looking at Monty he had something to do with it" he said my head whips over at him

"what?" I ask him "why do you think so?" Dennis asked "I can't...I can't say but I know" he said I was so confused

"why can't you say" Matt asked "Clay if you know something anything about anyone who might be implicated in this now is the time" Lainie said I would never admit it but

I was secretly hoping Clay was blaming Monty because he hates him and Monty didn't have anything to do with it

"someone did this it wasn't me" Clay said shaking his head "then who?" Dennis asked the table was silent until Dennis had to go and me and the boys split off into our rooms I went upstairs and pulled my phone out

Hey you up?

I looked around my room nervously I really hope it's not you god please don't be you who did this

My eyes fall to the blade as I pick it up I tried to fight off the urge but as if I wasn't even thinking it was swiftly gliding across my skin break it open as pebbles of blood poured out of the wound and again and again and again

I heard my phone ding I quickly put down the blade picking up the already bloody t shirt from a couple days ago and wiping the blood off I pick up my phone

Word count: 750

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