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I woke up and out on some ripped jeans and a tight white shirt I go downstairs "hey" I say giving Mrs.Jensen a hug

"any update on Bryce?" I ask jumping up and sitting on the counter "not that I've heard" she said there was a knock on the door and Mr.Jensen got up to answer it I grabbed a piece of toast from the plate Mrs.Jensen was putting together I look forward again and see Zach walk through Mr.Jensen coming from behind he walked over and gave me a hug

"you look nice" he smiled leaning down and kissing me then taking a bite of my toast "hey that's rude" I say I look over to Mrs.Jensen "hi Zach" she said he smiled

"hello" he said nervously he never really had to meet the parents until I moved in to her he's always nervous around them

"why are you here?" I ask him "um Justin wanted a ride and I wanted to see you" he said I nod "well as you can probably tell by the noise they aren't in here they are in their room" I say and if right on qué Clay walked in

"hey" he said walking past us to the shower "okay I'm gonna go get Justin then head to school you coming?" Zach asked I nod "yeah let's go" I say jumping off the counter grabbing my book bag and head out to Justin and Clays room

"hey justy" Zach said as Justin was putting a shirt on "come on practice starts soon and we gotta go" Zach says as we rush out the door and too his car

I was at the gym running on the treadmill I came with Zach I've been coming here a lot trying to lose weight ever since spring fling I don't know why I just became extremely insecure

I look over at the doors as they burst open and Ani and Clay walk in and straight over to Zach who was lifting weights I ignored them and continued running on the treadmill after a couple minutes

I got a text on my phone i stopped the Treadmill it was picture of Chloe and Zach I couldn't believe it their fucking kissing how on homecoming night I look over at him he looked at me cause Clay and Ani to look at me too

I scoff and walk out of the gym running straight home I got home running straight to the boys house hoping to find justin but signing when I don't see anyone

I looked at myself in the mirror that they had hanging on there wall  am not pretty enough? Maybe I'm not skinny enough or tall enough what did I do wrong? I wipe my eyes and walk straight to monets

||flash back after summer before homecoming||
I sat in Zach's car with my Jean shorts and hoodie on Zach ran in to pay for gas and get some snack I was listening to some Taylor swift song when someone approached the car I look up at them and see Bryce I smile and turn down the music

"hey" I say "hey kens long time no see" he said I laughed "schools been a bitch" I say he nods "yeah me too" he spoke leaning against Zach's car "you're still with him?" He asked I nod "yeah" I say as Zach walks out

"you should probably go" I say giving him a frown even tho me and Bryce worked out somethings Zach will never forgive him I understand why but I don't know it's complicated Bryce gave Zach a wave as he came over to us

"hey Bryce" Zach said looking at him "Zachy"  he said "saw the Audi and kens and just  had to stop and say hi" Bryce said smiling

"how's Hillcrest?" Zach asked "oh it's like a fucking country club I'm loving it" Bryce spoke "how's your team?" Bryce asked considering Zach is the new team captain "it's coming together"Zach answers "yeah Monty says you've got some exciting new ideas none of them about football exactly but... exciting" Bryce says

"yeah just trying to heal things you know? Do better" Zach says "better?" Bryce questioned "better than me?" Bryce asked "yeah" Zach bluntly said

"what are you gonna do when things get tough then when you gotta be a hard-ass? I worry man? You're soft" Bryce calmly said "no need to worry" Zach shrugged

"yeah is your mom gonna help maybe you're girlfriend cause last I remember they are the only ones with an actual dick" Bryce said Zach looked over at me then back to Bryce

"you should walk away right now" Zach said "you want to take a shot?" Bryce asked leaning off the car and standing up to Zach they stair at each other 

"you're not worth it" Zach said shaking his head Bryce laughed "all that rage man you keep pushing it down when you should be using it you know it's not healthy" Bryce said "I didn't ask for your advice" Zach spoke

"nope you're just gonna keep doing like you do and fucking your whole team whiles you're at it" Bryce pats Zach on the should "stay away me and stay away from kensley and leave" Zach harshly said

"don't worry Zachy I'll just keep fucking your head cheerleader like you always wanted too" Bryce said walking away and Zach gets in the car
||end flashback||

I look around for Justin and find him behind the counter his back was turned I walk up to the counter  "welcome to monets can I-" he started as he turned around and looked at me

"kens?" He asked "Justin he- Zach-" I couldn't even get the words out Justin took his apron off and came around the counter and pulled me into a hug when he pulled away he grabbed my arm and lead me to a table

"what happened?" He asked I pulled my phone out and showed him the picture "who sent you that?" He asked "Monty" I say

"have you talked to him?" Justin ask I shook my head "no you're the first person I came here straight from the gym I- I Justin I loved him" I said looking down tears coming out of my eyes

"kens he loved you too" Justin said "no if he did he wouldn't have done it you don't fucking get it I need Alex" I say standing up

i hate to admit it but Alex became the new Jeff he's my best friend I tell him everything sometimes I feel guilty about it

Word count:1110

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