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|I get out of Jeff's car and walk over to Zach "hey baby" he says as he kissed me "hey" I say I was with Zach and Jeff practically all night me and Zach drinking a fuck ton Jeff had 2 beers he claimed he needed to watch me or something I don't know I walked up to the bathroom to Smoke some heroin I was in the middle of taking a hit when the bathroom door opened "shit" I say putting the foils in the toilet and flushing it quickly I turn to see who caught me and I see Hannah I walk past her and down stairs I see Zach and Jeff playing beer pong out front "I'll be back I'm gonna go get some pop" Jeff said as he walked into the house i watched Zach play beer pong laughing as he misses after sometime Jeff comes out walking straight over to me"are you high?" He asked me "no of course not" I say going to walk back to Zach "no seriously kens I thought you were clean?" He ask "I am" I say "tell me the truth" Jeff said looking into my eyes "I am" I say a little bit louder getting angry "Kensley I can help I just need the truth" he says grabbing onto my arms I push him back "I'm not using Jeff so leave me the fuck alone and go home!" I yell at him "look I'm about to go on a beer run I'll take you home and we can talk about it" Jeff said tears in his eyes "I don't want to go home" I say "okay then we can go to my house" he suggested as he pulled me into a hug I try to push him away "I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! Go on your stupid beer run! I'd rather walk home then be in a car with you!" I yell hitting him repeatedly "well I love you kens and I'll see you tomorrow" he says walking over to Clay as I walk away Zach shouting my name behind me |

"You know the rest because I was with you" I say "why didn't you just tell him?" He ask "because the last time Jeff caught me he said he would send me to a rehab place if I didn't get better and I didn't wanna go" I say "fuck kensley that's horrible" he says

I look up at him to see Clay crying "I know sometimes I think that maybe I should end it all of it I destroyed two peoples lives two people who meant the most to me it's my fault I should have went with Jeff and I should have helped Hannah" I say tears falling from my eyes he took his bag off and pulled out a folded piece of paper "I helped Jeff write this the day he died it's a letter about you he was gonna give it to you but then he died" Clay said I looked up at him slowly taking the paper from him holding it in my hand

"You know me and Jeff used to come here we had our first kiss here in fact" I say looking over to clay "you didn't deserve them" he said I nod "I know i didn't and I'm sorry" I say "you really fucked up" he said I nod "yeah I fucking know" I say my voice shaking

I stand up turning to walk to the car "jump" I hear Clay say "what?" I ask turning around again "you said it yourself you sometimes want to end it so jump" he said I walk over to the cliff and look down "you want to watch me die?" I ask he nods "yeah I fucking do you took everything from me" he yells I look at him and shake my head I get in Zach's car and drive back to the school

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I get out of the car and lean up against it waiting for Zach to come out I hear the bell ring and students start walking out of school I spot Zach and stand straight up "I lied" I say he looked at me confused "I didn't go home actually Clay wanted to chat so we went and talked about my tape" I say Zach looked upset "did he do anything to you?" He ask

"he told me to jump off a cliff and that I didn't deserve Jeff or Hannah oh and he gave me a letter that Jeff wrote to me the day he died he was gonna give it to me but you know I haven't read it yet"I say holding the piece of paper up to him"I mean are you okay?" He asked I nod "come on let's go" Zach says I nod we get in his car and drive off

We arrive at Zach's and I step out of his car and into his house "are you gonna hurt Clay?" I ask as we walked into his room "should I?" He ask dropping his bag "no you shouldn't because what he said was true" I say dropping my bag as well

me and Zach talked for hours as he gave me a don't kill your self so many people love you speech then he read the letter then  we got food then we made out and then we had sex now I'm laying here as Zach is sleeping as he holds onto me I get a text

You gonna come or not?
Yeah I'm coming
hurry the fuck up
Okay okay

I slowly move out of Zach's arms and get dressed I sneak out his window like I used to do I climb down the tree and make my way to Bryces I really need to smoke right now

Once I get there I knock on the door and Bryce answered "damn thought you would never come" Bryce says "yeah I know sorry" I say he walked to the couch and I followed as he turned on the tv and we started smoking until we were completely high we were watching a movie while eating Doritos laughing our asses off


Sometime through the movies Bryce came closer to me putting a hand on my thigh "what are you doing?" I ask pushing his hand off laughing nervously "why are you with Zach? I mean come on kens give me a chance" He ask me "I'm with Zach because he cares about me and wants the best for me" I say to him "yeah and do you care about him?" He ask "of course I do" I snap

"yeah you do? Where were you before you came?" He ask "with Zach" I say "where is he now?" He ask "At home sleeping?" I question "look at where you are kens high as fuck with me" he says throwing his hands up "I came here to get high nothing more than that" I say "i think i should go" i say  standing up to leave

"wait kens don't leave I need you"Bryce says grabbing my wrist pulling me back onto the couch "need me?" I ask looking at home trying to create distance "yes kens" he said putting a hand back on my thigh"well I don't need you Bryce" I say shoving his hand off and standing up again 

he grabs my wrist again  but only harder he pushes me down on the couch so i'm flat on my back he instantly starts getting on top of me "Bryce what the fuck" i start squirming and attempting to move my body away from his head begins pinning me down and starts kissing my neck and touching my body every where the drugs slowly fade away and I'm completely aware of what happened "Bryce stop" I say trying to push him off my but he only holds onto me harder and pushes up against me harder i can feel his hard on against me i fight like hell getting a few scratches in here and there but he didn't stop he was determined he pulled my pants and underwear down in a swift motion "Bryce please don't do this" i plead and I start crying and fighting against him harder only for him to pin my wrist back with one hand and hold my hips down with another "stop fighting and take it like you deserve it" he says lining himself up with me and shoving himself roughly in me he didn't give me time to adjust he kept thrusting into me harder and faster each time

i was helpless he lifted up my shirt and bra and roughly grabbed at my tips leaning down to suck on them all i could do was cry and continue to plead him to get off me but it wasn't working "Bryce stop" i weakly say tearing rolling off my face "let's shut you up yeah" he said forcefully kissing my lips i turned my head away from him he let go of my tits and roughly grabbed my cheek to keep my head still as he continued his attack the tears kept flowing his thrust became sloppy and he began moaning into my mouth he pulled out and came on my stomach he leaned close into my ear "you're so easy letting this happen twice... i just can't get enough of you" Bryce say  he pulls away from me and laughed as he walks away my breathing is heavy and my face is stained with old and fresh tears I quickly get up grabbing whatever shirt of bryce is next to me and wiped his cum off me i felt disgusting i quickly pull my bra and shirt down then my pants up and walk out the door sobbing how could i let this happen

I sneak back into Zach's window quickly and quietly him still in the same position as I left him i hurry to his bathroom and undress and turn on the shower i stand there for a while and just let the water flow on me in complete disbelief and disgust with myself i wash myself off scrubbing my skin red to get the feeling of him off me after a while i turn the water off and dry off and put the clothes back in my bag and into what I was wearing before I left I slowly lay down back down with Zach and cry until I fall asleep

Word count: 1389

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