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I stood with Justin at monets as we waiting on line to order "whatever you were trying to hide this morning I'm gonna figure it out eventually so you might as well just tell me now" Justin said quietly I didn't look at him I just shook my head

"I'm not hiding anything" I said "you're lying and I know it just tell me" he said I look up at him then around the cafe

"not here" I say he nods as he walked up and ordered for us all he grabbed our drinks and walked over to the straws and napkins i follows him my arms crossed as my stomach turned and twist from nervous I was gonna have to either tell him or come up with a really good lie I look over at Clay and see some guy drilling Clay with question

"hey J" I say smacking his arms I look over at him and noticed the smile on his face from the childhood nickname but that wasn't important right now "what?" He asked I pointed over to Clay he was confused but soon figured out what was happening as we walk over

"hey get the fuck out" Justin said "just enjoy a cup of coffee" the man said "all right then we'll get the fuck out if you come in here again I'll see to it that you coffee is pissed in" Justin said angry walking away as Clay follows us Justin hands Clay his drink "thanks for the save"Clay said

"yeah what a dick" Justin said as we walk out

"Hey kens" I look over and see Zach walking towards me as I walked a little ways behind Clay and Justin "hey" I say smiling at him

"how is everything?" He asked I shrug "everyday seems like we have a new problem to figure out" I say he nods "yeah you can always talk to me if things get to be so much" he said I nod "thank you" I say he smiles "of course" he said I look in front of me at the boys who were talking to each other

"sometimes I began to believe that Justin likes Clay more than me" I say laughing making Zach laugh although it wasn't funny I actually feel like sometimes Justin would rather hang out with Clay and talk to Clay than me and I'm his real sister I'm his twin for fucksake

"you and Monty aren't a thing are you?" He asked I gave him a confused look "what? No why?" I ask he pointed a head of us "because he's been hardcore starring at us ever since I walked up to you" he said I turn and look and there was Monty arms crossed once he noticed I was looking he smiled and waved and I did the same I look away and back at Zach "we're just friends" I say to Zahc he nods

"okay"he said nodding "why are you and Alex fighting?" He asked me I stopped walking and looked at him

"uh he told Justin something that was supposed to be a secret" I say Zach gave me a weird look "what was it? I mean it had to be something bad right especially if you didn't tell Justin" he said I nod "yeah uh it was a pretty big secret" I said avoiding his question the bell rang and I looked around

"see you around? Maybe we can hang out or something" Zach said I nod "of course" I said as we both walked away from each other to our classes

"Zach I don't need a fucking lecture all right?" Justin said as we walked away from the vending machine Justin just got a soda out of "dude that shit will rot your insides have you seen what it does to a penny?" Zach asked sliding his hand into mine as Justin opened his soda

"have you seen what I've don't to my insides?" Justin asked Zach rolled his eyes and nods "so summer schools over we start two days next week perfect timing" Zach said to him as we walked down the hallways together "except I have no desire to play again" Justin said shrugging

"Justin you need to" I bud in "dude we need you and you need football" Zach said backing me up Justin sighs as we stop walking "I'm not letting this go man Zach Dempsey always gets the yes" he said as we began walking again I looked up at him confused

"Zach Dempsey has gotten the yes exactly once" Justin said making me laugh "fuck off both of you" Zach said shoving us both me and Justin laugh

"plus I got a yes form my best friends hot sister that equals 1000 yes's" he said I shake my head "ew don't call my sister hot" Justin said giving us a disgusting look I raised an eyebrow at him

"awe is Justin uncomfortable" I fake pout Zach pulled me in for a kiss knowing it would make him even more uncomfortable I laugh in the middle of the kiss

"you guys are gross" Justin said walking off I laugh as me and Zahc pull away ||end flashback||

Word count: 878

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