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"My daughter wasn't the perfect victim there's no such thing Hannah was a beautiful young woman full of life and dream and passions and fears and failings like any other teenage girl and we let her down and people wanna point to the parents but we didn't allow her to be bullied and we didn't send her away when she came and asked for help and we didn't send her back to class with her rapist boys bullied her and adults allowed it" Hannah's mom started saying to all the people around her with cameras and microphones

I was standing next to Justin and Clay behind me as he had a hand on my shoulder squeezing it lightly "you know I don't know a single woman who hasn't faced sexual assault abuse or worse not one many survive my daughter didn't and that's not her fault" Mrs Baker said tears slowly coming out of her eyes

"obviously we are very disappointed with today's verdict" Dennis said I look over at Justin as he grabbed my hand and squeezed it lightly for security

the door opened and me and Clay both turn around and see Bryce walk out talking with his lawyer i scoff at the sight of him "fucking Bryce" Clay said making Alex Zach justin and Tony look over at him "Bryce walker?" A police officer asked Bryce "yes sir?" He said to him

"you're under arrest for felony sexual assault" the officer said I was shocked "excuse me" his lawyer said "no you can see him at the station" the officer argued might I add the officer is Alex's dad they started walking down the steps past us Bryce looked at me and had that you're gonna regret this look on his face "you're making a big fucking mistake" he said to Jessica as he walked past her

I slowly looked over at Justin and started smiling almost but that smile dropped as soon as I noticed an officer approaching us I squeezed Justin hand know what's gonna happen "Justin foley you're under arrest" an officer said to him Jessica turned around

"what?" She asked the officer I shake my head as Justin looks at Jessica then to me the officer ripped our hands away from each other "as an accessory to felony sexual assault" the officer spoke "Justin" I say tears about to fall from my eye

"I'll be okay kens I'm sorry" he said "Clay what's going on?" Jessica asked "please don't" I try with the officers the ignored me "I love you" Justin told me before they started pulling him away from me

"no no no no" I say going to chase after him only to be pulled back by someone I didn't even care who it was I just stood there not knowing what to do "mom? Mom?" Clay frantically ask looking around for his mom

at this point I turned around to whoever was holding me back and hugged them tight i pull away and look at the person and see Tony I then see clays mom walk over "mom they arrested Justin" Clay said worried just as much as I am

"I know honey" she said "Justin knew that was a risk going on record about what happened" she spoke she looked at me and then back to Clay "mom he-he saved my life all right? We have to help him" Clay said "we will" Mrs.Jensen said looking at me and Clay

"I promise" she said looking at me I nod I trusted her I look back over at Justin seeing him he put into a cop car I look back at Alex Zach and Tony and back to the cop car as it takes off

Word count:628

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