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i felt a pain in my heart as I knew extremely what song it was I wanted to scream and cry but I couldn't

I slowly made my way to the middle of the dance floor where me and Jeff danced that night to this exact song our song I knew things were going to good something had to go bad

'I am not the only traveler'

'Who has not repaid his dept'

'I've been searching for a trail to follow'

The lyrics repeated themselves in my head as I recall the night all the pain that was once let lose a couple minutes ago hitting all over again

tears started coming to my eyes as I look over at the spot where Clay and Hannah danced I look around at all the people dancing wishing he was here

'Take me back to the night we met'

'I had all then most of you some and now none of you'

'Take me back to the night we met'

Those lyrics hit hard the same song me and Jeff would sing together and smile to because we claimed it our song after that night turned into a song I couldn't even bring my self to read the title

the lyrics hitting a little to close now that he's gone I look up as I see someone approaching me I see Clay the same sad expression as I have

I make no hesitation but to wrap my arms around the boy he quickly wrapped his arms around me as we stood there taking in the moment tears coming down our faces we both lost the loves of our lives He lost his soulmate

I lost my best friend my 2nd brother my peace in this fucked up world

slowly as me and Clay hugged I could feel someone of our other friends join in on the hug

first was Tony who was equally hurt by the deaths of the two he didn't know Jeff that well but he know enough to know that he didn't deserve what he got and he was one of Hannah's best friends so it hurt him just as much as it did Clay

the next person to join in on me and clays hug was Jessica she held a tight grip on me and Clay as we both wrapped and arm around her as she whispered a soft im so sorry to us

next was Alex and then Zach then Ryan and then Courtney

we all had different reasons on why we were here we were all experiencing different pain right now some more than other but we were all there for each other and cared deeply for one another

even if a year ago someone of us hated each other guts there no denying we all created a special bond that no one else can really understand except for us and we're okay with that as long as we have each other it will all be okay

'I don't know what I'm supposed to do haunted by the ghost of you'

'Take me back to the night we met'

The song slowly ended and me and Clay were now sobbing holding onto each other for support it felt like a hundred knives being stabbed into my stomach all at once we were hurting so deeply

after tonight's dance I knew what I needed to do I needed to read Jeff's note I couldn't bring myself to do it but I need to I need to know what it says I need to hear what he had to say

the only person missing from this circle is Justin and damn I could use my brother right now but he wasn't here in fact I don't even know where he is hopefully not doing anything stupid

everyone slowly started pulling away from the group hug going back to their previous activity's I slowly pulled away from Clay looking at him not even knowing what to say I just give him a small smile as he walks off with Tony

I wipe away my dried up and oncoming tears off my face hoping my make up doesn't look terribly horrible I look up at meet eyes with Zach he gave me a look a look that I hated it made me feel weak he gives me this look all the time I shake my head looking away

"don't look at me like I'm not weak or broken or anything like that I haven't cried about Jeff or Hannah in months" I say trying to stop my tears from coming he softly grabbed my hand leading me off the dance floor so we don't get pushed over by the dancing teenager he led me to a table as we both sat down

"I don't think you're weak or broken I think you're extremely strong hell kens you're one of the strongest people I know it's one of the many things I love about you but it's okay to be sad it's okay to cry about them don't hold yourself accountable when you do because I know it's hard and I understand some days are gonna be harder than others and it's okay I'm here for you we're all here for because we love you so much even on your worse days" Zach spoke holding onto my hands I didn't know what to say I was beyond thankful for this man

I placed a hand on his cheek and slowly kissed him I pulled away and smiled at him "thank you for everything I appreciate it everything you do I'll never leave you" I say blinking away my tears

"i love you Kensley foley" Zach spoke "I love you too Zach Dempsey" I reply not wanting the sweet moment to be over I am head over heels in love with this boy

he's one of the only things that can bring me peace by just a simple touch the only thing that can bring me happiness by just the flash of his goofy smile he was my home my safe spot he's my person I am so deeply in love with the on and only

Zach Dempsey

Word count: 1039

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