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I wake up realizing I'm in my own room at my house without Zach after being gone for 3 days i silently pray Seth is gone as I get dressed and do all of my morning necessities

I walk out to my room to see my mom and Seth awake Shit I take a step back looking everywhere but at him knowing what's coming "where the hell were you" he ask stepping closer to me "I told you I was at a friends" I say stepping back "where is Justin?" He ask "I don't know" I state "where is he?" He ask again louder inches away from me now "I don't know" I say just as loud instantly realizing my

he grabs my throat and start chocking blocking off my airway as he punched me "stop lying to me you" he yells "worthless" punch. "Piece" punch. "Of shit" punch. He walks away from me and I slide down the wall and start crying my mom stands there and looks at me there was a knock on the door "hold on" my mom says as she walk to the door annoyed I take deep breaths as I cry silently in pain

I stand up leaning again the wall for support hoping it's Zach or Justin my mom opens the door cigarette in her hand "is Justin here" I hear Jessica ask "haven't seen him for days I thought he was with you" my mom says "he told me he was going home last night" Jess says "yeah well he didn't" my mom says I lean off the wall to get a better look at her

Seth walks over to me he pretended like he was gonna hit me I flinch back up against the wall and put my hands up in defense as he laughed "who is it am?" Seth ask walking over to the door I stand up straight and Jessica makes eye contact with me her face drops I look down away from her wiping under my
Nose and look down at the blood

"Justin's girlfriend" my mom says my mom walks away and Seth takes over "girlfriend huh?" He says "tell that little shit that his mother is worried sick all right" he states "yeah she looks it" Jessica says taking one last look at me  as she disappeared "tell him call her today or don't bother coming home" he yells down the stairs to her

I go to the bathroom and clean up all the blood and brush my teeth again I look at my self and shake my head in disgust I walk out of the bathroom and grab my bag and start walking to school

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I arrived at school and I see the jazz band sitting outside and I make contact with Alex's he looks at me and then looks away i run into someone and look up at the mystery person "oh shit I'm sorry Clay" I say he looks at a loss for words "I uh are you okay?" He asked stuttering a bit I nod and smile "yeah yeah of course" i say "well what happened to" he points to my face like I did yesterday "oh I fell down the stairs" I say shrugged he nodded slowly confused "okay" he spoke and then slowly walked away I look down at the ground gripping my book bag straps

"it's gonna be okay" I whispered to myself

I see Zach's car pull up and he gets out the car and runs over to me "hey baby" he says I lean into him and he wraps and arm around me "hey Zachy" I say he laughed at the name we walk together I don't look up at him I don't want him to see "how did last night go?" He asked I nod "they were both asleep" I say "and this morning?" He ask I look up at him "holy shit babe!" He yelled which caused people to look

we stopped walking "does Justin know?" He ask I shake my head no "it'll be okay let's go" Zach says as he grabs my hand we walk inside the school people stare at me and whisper I know that Jessica saw what happened I just hope she's not running off telling anyone I get to my class and we are watching a documentary about biology or something i don't know I kinda just decided to take a nap instead

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I wake up to the bell ringing and hurry up and walk out of that class i get to my next class and and Bryce is in there he sits next to me "what happened?" He asked me leaning over I look around the room "Meth Seth"I say he nods "yeah Justin said he was back" he said I nod "are you okay?" He asked I nod "I'm fine" I lie I'm in a lot of pain and probably have a concussion but it's whatever nothing I can do about it

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I walk down the hallway on my way to lunch I sit down with Zach and all his friends "damn Zach do that to you?" Monty jokes "Zach I didn't know you were that rough" someone joked people kept making jokes about it and it's not funny I'm hurting a fucking lot

I stand up to walk away Zach grabs my arm "where you going?" He asked "ill see you later" I say as I walk away to the middle of the hall I slide down the locker and the tears just come out the bell rings and I quickly stand up and walk out of school not really having a destination I pull my phone out and call Justin and of course no answer so I call Jess and nothing I don't know who else to call so I just walk around the town not knowing where to go

Word count : 990

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