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i woke up it was morning unfortunately i was in pajamas and tucked into bed i look around and my room was spotless i grew confused did Zach do this? i smile and get out of bed and get changed i walk down the stairs to see Lanie and Matt getting ready to leave along with justin "good morning ken's we need to get going now we need to go talk to Dennis" Matt says i nod and quickly make my way to the car confused what this is about i look around and realize Clay isn't here we arrive and walk into a room where Dennis is sitting

"do you have any idea where Clay is?" Lanie asked i shake my head "i have no clue" justin said "i don't know" i say "i came home last night he wasn't there"Justin said "and what time was that?" Dennis asked "around midnight" he looked nervous "when i woke up this morning his bad was still made i tried calling his phone but then i remembered the cops took it" justin said "and he gave you no indication that he intended to flee?" Dennis asked i sit back in my chair trying to figure this all out "no warning at all" Justin said

"well can you blame him? the police just kicked down our door for Christ's sake he's probably scared shitless" i speak up "language Kensley" Lanie said "Justin i know that you and Clay protect each other but if there's something you're not telling us-" Lanie started "i don't know anything" justin said i could tell he was being honest "i swear i- he clearly didn't want me to know" he spoke again

"alright we'll the kids need to get to school come on" Matt spoke as me and justin stood up Lanie stayed back so she could work Matt dropped us off at school we were late and everyone was piling into the gym hillcrest was also here and i was very confused so we made our way there i was looking at the bleacher for Zach when i found him sitting next to Alex looking bored on his phone

i quickly make my way over to him Justin following "this seat taken?" i ask he shook his head "hopefully by you " he said i sat by him looking at him "thank you by the way" i say he smiled at me and shrugged "it's not like anyone else was gonna sit there" he said i laughed "no Zach thank you for last night i appreciate it" i said he shrugged

"my mommy doesn't clean my room i had to prove that" he said leaning into me a little i shake my head " you guys are weird" Alex said we laugh "welcome everyone and a very special welcome to our guest hillcrest i turn my attention to our principal

"we would like this to be a time to come together the interruption of our homecoming game inflamed feelings on all sides and it was followed a few days later by the news of the tragic death of a former liberty and recent Hillcrest student Bryce Walker" he spoke i shift in my seat Zach placed a hand on my knee giving it a squeeze

"now i've spoken at length with the student leadership and Hillcrest administrators We agree that it was time to bring out schools together for a day of accountability and healing and with that in mind Jessica Davis student body president and organizer of the protest would like to offer a few words" he said jess stood up and everyone clapped as she approached the podium

"Thank you principal  Bolan you're absolutely right that at times like these people need to be held accountable for their mistakes and after something traumatic happens it's important to focus on healing" she spoke i looked down at my lap Zach's hand still in place "but the thing is how is anybody supposed to heal if all we do is cover up the wounds and thst they'll go away? we have to look at them and recognize them for what they are we have to be honest about who actually  for hurt and how the protest i led was an attempt to try to draw attention to the rape culture in boys sports and throughout our school and yes i admit that the way i went about it wasn't perfect i'm sorry for how it all ended up i really am but making mistakes is part of being a survivor at first you're like permanently broken" she spoke her words were hitting me hard

"but then little by little you start picking up the pieces and you start realizing what you're making is a mirror and the more of those pieces that you put together the more you start or see yourself but maybe we can start picking up those pieces of that mirror together and we can finally see the truth of you think sexual assault doesn't affect your life you're wrong" she said i look around at everyone they all seems to be invested which is good what she's saying is important

"there are survivors all around us people you care about who you never knew were suffering in silence let the know that you're there to listen it's time for you to know the survivors in your life to hear their stories and to know that their voice matters my name is Jessica Davis snd i'm a survivor" she spoke

"my name is Casey Ford and i'm a survivor" one of jess friends stood up everyone looked over at Casey "my name is Janelle Martin and i'm a survivor" jess smiled i could tell she was proud "my name is Maggie Kim and i'm a survivor" i saw clay walk in the gym my eyes go wide i lean over it justin and smack his leg pointing to Clay i watched as tyler slowly stood up

"my name is Tyler Down and i'm a survivor" he spoke a few girls gasped "my name is Lina Ochoa and i'm a survivor" i kept watching all these people standing up it was amazing i never felt so much support with out feeling support " my names is Sarah Stern i'm a survivor"

"my name is Ronny Corman and im a survivor" another guy stood up i look over at justin who looked emotion "my name is Tanya Brown I'm a survivor" i look around and locked eyes with jess she. gave me an encouraging look i slowly stood up

"my name is Kensley Foley and i'm a survivor" i spoke Zach grabbed onto my hand as i stood i look over at justin as he looked at me he slowly stood up "my name is Justin Foley and I'm a survivor" he said i was proud of him "my name is Stephanie Rodriguez and I'm a goddamn survivor" everyone began clapping

jess grabbed the mic and began walking away from the podium "to those of you who are still seated i know a lot of you still have stories but you're not ready to share them yet and that's okay when you're ready we'll listen and we will continue to fight to make sure that no one is assaulted, harassed, or abused at this school we will not sit down we will not be quiet we will not rest until that happens" Jess was powerful with her words Principal Bolan began clapping making everyone else clap as well and cheering

everyone was socializing around the gym now i was with Zach "i'm so proud of you" he said as he pulled me into a tight hug "i couldn't have done it without you guys " i say to him he let me go and Alex pulled me into a hug next i turn to Justin and wrap him in a tight hug "but i'm really proud of you" i say he smiles "thanks" i turn back to Zach as Charlie approaches Justin the share a few quick words and walked away Charlie made his was to us and wrapped his arms around me as i did the same "i'm sorry" he said "i had no idea but you are so brave" he spoke i shrug

"thank you it definitely hasn't been easy" i say grabbing Zach's arms and wrapping it around my shoulder to feel more comfortable "wait are you guys?" Charlie began to question i shake my head "no" i say he looked confused "Clay Jensen" i hear my attention turns i knoe that voice it's the sheriff i got nervous everyone froze

"Clay Jensen" he said again "i have a warrant for your arrest for the murder of Bryce Walker" the Sheriff spoke "no no no" i whisper going to walked over there but getting pulled back by Zach i watched as Clay turned around and put his hand behind his back as they cuffed him they read him his rights i began to walk over there Zach and Alex following the pushed him out of the gym doors everyone was watching "come on" justin said pulling at my sleeve i quickly followed him not sure where we were going

Jess followed us to the car and got in justin made his way to the police station so we could hopefully talk to Clay or find something out i say away from the two i figured jess would want to talk to him i was watching tho Justin looked very upset but i know why i felt horrible he looked over at me i looked down i remember those nights too well we were only five

i watched him explain the story both of the getting emotional i blink away mine that were brimming i get a text from Zach telling me to meet him at the gym it was just down the road from here i stood up and walked over to justin "Zach needs me keep me updated tho i'll be back" i say quickly leaving speed walking to the gym

word count: 1989

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