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I wake up to Zach shaking me "hey kens come on we are gonna be late" he says getting out of bed as I sit up Zach throws some clothes at me and I put them on I get up and go do my other morning things as Zach goes to talk to Justin probably about fucking Clay I stand by the door and wait for them so we can walk to school

"Hey Monty is gonna pick me up" Justin says to me nod and look at Zach "I'll walk with you" he says I nod again and walk out the door as Zach follows me "feeling better today?" Zach as me I nod "I think so I'm sorry about last night" I say looking down "sorry for?" He ask "getting high I know it's not the right thing and I wish I didn't do it but it helped" i say looking Up at him "it's fine you can't overdose on weed like you can heroin" Zach says shrugging I nod

"so I can smoke weed?" I ask he looks at me and stopped walking "no if I'm with you then maybe but you're not you when your high and I don't like it" he says I nod crossing my arms as we both keep walking

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we arrive at school and meet up with Bryce "hey you guys didn't come over last night where were you?" He asked us "we hung out at kens place" Zach answered Bryce looked at me "and I wasn't invited?" Bryce asked and laughed me and Zach share a look

I hear tires screeching and and Alex yelling I turn around and so does Zach "the fuck!" Alex yells "man people are trying to walk here!" He shouts I see Justin and Monty in the car laughing I roll my eyes "the fuck is your problem" Alex says throwing his bag off and walking towards Monty

me and Zach walk closer just in case it goes bad "dude Alex chill it's all good" Monty says "oh it's all good?" Alex's yells "you think you can run people over like everyone else at the fucking school?" Alex yells "you're tripping no man" Monty says

"get out of the car" Alex says "get out of the car" he yells smacking the side of the car "I'm gonna kick your fucking ass! get out! Get out!" He screams

Alex has gone full blown crazy Monty and Justin both get out of the car "Alex calm the fuck down" Justin yells "you calm down I am calm" he shouts "man I'm so fucking calm" he yells as Monty walks over to him

"you don't want to do this" Monty says "you think I'm scared of you?" Alex gets in his face "you should be" Monty says I look up at Zach "man fuck you" Alex says as he shoved Monty I put a hand over my mouth

what the fuck is Alex's doing

everyone is saying ooooh or gasping Monty throws a hard punch at Alex which sends Alex flying to the ground to which Alex responded by tackling him up against the car and Monty grabs him and tackles him to the ground again they both keep tackling each other to the ground like puppies fighting

I look around everyone is amused and laughing and recording Zach grabs my hand as the fight continues Monty obviously winning he has Alex in a Choke hole and continues to tackle and punch him and throw him around

"how the fuck?" Zach ask Marcus who stands beside him "this is not gonna be good" Marcus says I look behind Zach to see Tyler taking pictures of the fight I look back at the fight to see Monty slamming Alex's head into the concrete "make it stop" I say to Zach and looking back at the fight Monty punch's Alex

Alex has blood all over him he's practically unconscious "zach!" I say "I" he says panicking he goes to stop it as Mr.Porter pulls Monty off Alex "what the hell is going on?" He asked Monty "he started it" Monty says which is some what true "yeah? So what are you doing?" Mr.Porter ask

"finishing it?" Monty said as more of a question laughing "you think that's funny?" Mr.Porter ask "yeah? Come on let's go" Mr.Porter says dragging Monty away "everybody go to class shows over go to class" he yells to the group Zach,Marcus, and I all walk away from the used to be fight

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I walk to class and sit in my seat and Zach sits in the one next to me the teacher starts talking addressing what happened outside Marcus had to leave because he had an emergency honor board meeting or something the teacher starts talking about history I wasn't necessarily listing I never do which is probably why I have a D right now

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The bell rings signaling its time to leave this shit hole I pack up all my stuff and walk out the door to the school and start on my walk home

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I make it to my house and see Zach standing by my house "how did you get here so fast?" I asklooking around he laughed "I drove" he said pointing to his car I nod he gave me a quick peck "will you please join me to Rosies dinner?" He ask with his charming smile "of course I will" I say he walks over to his car and opens the door for me I get in he closed the door and walked over to his side "what's this for?" I ask as he's buckling he shrugs "we haven't been out in a while" Zach say I nod "okay"

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the drive was short and quite as we get to rosies dinner and Zach opens the door for me once again he's a true gentlemen "thank you" I say we get our seats and order a milkshake and some fries "you know I'm in love with you kens" Zach says holding my hand "yeah I know I'm in love with you too" I say smiling at him "I've heard around that Clay is on Marcus tape which means-" Zach starts "yours is next" I say "yeah" he nods "just if he ask anything about me I want to know" Zach says "yeah I don't think Clay will be talking to me anymore" I say laughing "after what happened last night I think he'd rather just torture me" I say "okay well he's not gonna touch you and if he does I want to know as well" Zach says "what will you do to him?" I ask "Just have a little chat" Zach says which I know a little chat means he will fight him

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we finished up eating and Zach took me home I walk in the door the house is silent I see Justin sitting on the couch he looked angry at me "sorry I was out with Zach" I say he nods "he's almost on Zach's tape" I say "well shit I'm sure we scared him enough to not say anything" Justin says I nod "while you were out with your boyfriend I had to help mom through one of her things" Justin said I sit on the couch next to him "I'm sorry I should have been here" I say shaking my head "nah it's fine" he says I know Its not fine but I don't want to argue with him I lean back on the couch and we watch tv together

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an hour later Justin had gotten up but I stayed curled up on the couch theres a knock on the door and Justin walks in and answered it "hi" I hear Jessica's voice "hey" Justin says "be quiet my moms going through one of her things" Justin says as Jess walks in and Justin closed the door "you didn't answer your phone or my text" Jessica says "I know cause my mom" Justin says

I should have been here "I needed to see you" Jessica says "okay just be quiet" Justin says again "we need to talk" Jess says "okay!" Justin says walking into his room with her I ignore them this happens a lot more than you would think

I stand up and turn the light off I lay back down on the couch and watch tv I start to drift off almost falling asleep "what the fuck Justin?" Jessica yells "Your mom what? Huh? It never stopped you before" I hear Jessica yell

I see Jessica walk out of Justin's room I stand up bumping my shoulders into hers as I walk past and into Justin's room "what was that about?" I ask "all she wants is sex she doesn't care" Justin says throwing his head back against his chair "I think she cares she's just going through something" I say he nods we hear the front door slam "god I told her to be quiet" Justin says 

Justin door opened "hey mom" I say her face was stained with tears me and Justin get up and walk to the living room me and Justin sit on both sides of her after some time she has her head resting on Justin's shoulder I lay down and put my head in her lap she plays with my hair "I love you guys" my mom says "I love you too" I say "I love you too" Justin says that's how we fell asleep the tree of us all together no Seth no pain being caused that's it just peaceful sleeping

Word count: 1606

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