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I woke up feeling extremely sick I got out of bed rubbing my face with my hand as I looked in the mirror I rolled up my sleeve looking at the cuts sighing i quickly change hoodies and throw on sweatpants putting my hair in a messy bun not really caring what it looks like

I pop two pills in my mouth walking down the stairs "kens sit" lainie said I noticed the boys and Matt already sitting at the table I take a seat next to Justin looking at the confused

"so you didn't see Bryce after that? Over the summer this fall?" Lainie asked Clay "no"he answered "you had no contact with him at all?"she asked again "no no contact at all" I knew he was lying though "never went over to his new house? Threatened him again?" Lainie asked

"no" Clay said calmly "can you think of any other reason why the police would suspect you?" Lainie asked "its Mrs.Walker shes out to get me look you have to believe me I didn't do anything" Clay spoke up "Clay we believe you we just the more we know the better we can protect you" Matt said

"there's nothing to know" he said to his parents "Dennis has agreed to represent you he started out in the PD's office he knows criminal defense" she spoke I thought it was a good idea

"I'm not a criminal" Clay said stuttering on his words "we know" Matt said

"Clay we need to take action we need to protect you" lainie said I could tell she meant it things could get real ugly for Clay "so what...what can I do?" He asked "nothing Dennis was very clear about that" she said nodding

"you don't wanna give police or Mrs.Walker anything they can use against you" Matt explained "and we'd like you to see Dr.Ellman" lainie spoke i look over at Justin to see him focused on the conversation

"why?" Clay asked "just to check in this is a tricky time it might be useful to...talk it through" Matt replied "so you think I'm like...crazy?" Clay asked "we don't" Matt said "mental illness might come up" lainie suggested

"we don't we just thought it might be worth talking to him" Matt corrected "right now you kids have to get to school" he continued i nod as me and Justin quickly stood up Clay following behind us we walk into the boys room

I look around noticing the mess normally it was decently clean at least on clays side but everything was trashed "what happened in here?" I ask getting no response as the boys grab their bags

"all I'm saying is your folks are doing the right thing you need a lawyer even if you didn't do anything trust me" Justin said

"what's it like? In juvie?" Clay asked "dude you're not going by to juvie" I said he looked over at me and his eyes widen "no I'm an adult" he said scared

"Clay you just got to chill out just a little bit"Justin tried to reason with him but no matter what we said it seemed to go in one ear and out the other

"it's gonna work out" I say he shook his head "like it did for Justin?" He asked we didn't answer "I have to go talk to Mrs.Walker" Clay said putting his bag over his shoulder

"why...why that fuck?" Justin asked "at the sheriffs station the first time I could tell her the truth face to face" Clay said

"your mom literally just said do not do anything suspicious" Justin tried to reason but knowing Clay no matter what we say he's gonna do it anyway "she also thinks I'm a crazy person" Clay raised his voice

"I feel like you going to talk to Mrs.Walker right now kind of supports that theory" he wasn't wrong

"they're getting me a lawyer because they had to take action that's what she said same for me" Clay said I rub my face already having a headache from listening to them

"Clay!" I shout noticing him walking out the door "why can't anything work out our way?" I ask Justin just shakes his head

I was walking down the hallway of the school everything felt weird like I was in a dream god I wish I was in a dream So this could all go away and we could all go back to freshman year before all this bull shit started

"Kensley" I turn and see Ani "what do you want?" I ask tiredly "I want to get to know you more" she said I stop in walking and look at her weird

"shouldn't you know me pretty well I mean considering how much you've asked around about me" I say with sass

"yes but I've heard many things and I want your words on who Kensley foley is" she said "heard things like what?" I ask I wonder what rumors are spread about me I can only imagine

"um well I heard that you're a recovered drug addict I've also heard people talk about how nice you are and accepting I hope I can experience that one day I also heard you've had a rough life and your best friend Jeff Atkins right? He died from drinking and driving that's all I've got so far" she said I scoff and shake my head

"Jeff didn't die because he was drunk he died because of me" I say going to walk off but stopping I turn to her

"and there no recovering in this addiction" I say turning on my heel and walking away from her

i walked right into the library where I saw Alex and Zach sitting together just who I wanted to see i quickly made my way over to them

"we need to talk like now" I say setting my stuff down they both look at me putting down their pencils "about?" Alex asked I took a deep breath before I speak

"have you guys told anyone where you were after homecoming?" I ask they both shake their head I nod "okay good we can cover each other's asses here" I say Zach gave me a confused look

"why would need to do that if we didn't do anything?" He questioned "where were you after homecoming?" I ask him and he went silent I nod "exactly" I say crossing my arms

"what's your plan?" Alex ask me I light smile comes onto my face "okay so Zach you were at the hospital because of your knee and me and Alex rode together you texted us saying you were home so we stopped by to make sure you were okay we were there all night remember that" I say firmly they nod

"we stayed there over night making sure you were okay then we went home in the morning" I say "we were together that night nothing else" I say again they nod

"what about our parents?" Zach asked "we snuck out you snuck us in not that hard" I say they nod again I let go a breath of relief

"okay" I say Zach placed a hand on my arm i quickly pull it away from him strung up at him in fear he knows "sorry" I say looking at his confused face 

"Kensley foley please report to the guidance office" I hear of the speaker

"fuck" I say looking at the guys before slowly standing up and walking off in the direction

Word count: 1268

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