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once i arrive i quickly walk in "Zach?" i ask i look over at him "hey are you okay" i ask him and sit in front of him i place my hand on his cheek he looks at me i could tell something was bothering him i pull him into me he put his arms around my waist tightly and pulled my closer his head found it's way into my neck i heard the door open again

we pulled away i look over and see Alex  Zach let go of me Alex sat down across from us i'm assuming Zach texted Alex too "did you just trick me into a PT session?" Alex asked "i-uh i wants to talk to you both alone" he said "what's up?" Alex questioned "i have to tell you guys something but i'm god i know i shove said something or should've told somebody or down something earlier but i... i have to now" he started i was confused

"Zach what is it?" i ask "i um" he started "i killed Bryce" my heart sank i look up at Alex "that's don't say that" Alex said "it's the truth" Zach snapped "no don't fucking say that to me" Alex said " i cant let Clay go to jail for this i have to go to the cops" "listen to me listen let it play out they don't have anything they're bluffing" Alex said i don't think that's true but whatever "you don't know that Alex you told me you don't know that you don't-" Alex said

"if you were in trouble they would've come to you" Alex interrupted "they have no idea" he added "clay will get off you can walk it'll be fine" he said "Alex i killed..i killed somebody" Zach said "i don't believe that you did" i say turning to him "and even if you did after what Bryce did to you and to everyone how would it be justice if you went to jail" i added shaking my head "and how is it justice if Clay does?" he raised his voice i looked over at Alex for help

"i have to go please come with me" he said i looked down i felt his hand on my shoulder i look up at him "please ken's?" he asked pleading i nod "okay" i say standing up with Alex we all got in the car and made our way down there we walked in and Justin and Jess were still there

Alex went to join them Zach turned to me this could be one of the last times i see him tears start to form i'm my eyes and he leans down and kisses my forehead

"i love you" i say to him "i love you too ken's" he said i pull him into a real kiss he pulls away "i need to ken's" he said i nod letting him go i go and sit down my heart was racing

"are you gonna be okay?" Justin ask i nod "yeah i'll be good" i say bringing my knees to my chest trying not to freak out i watch as Zach go back with Alex's dad Tyler and Charlie showed up and Justin and Jess stood up to talk to him "i'm ready i hear Tyler say "Tyler what you're doing is do brave" jess spoke "we'll be right here waiting for you you're not alone in this Justin smiled Tyler walked off to the desk to make his report once he was out he looked relieved

all i can think about while Zach is in there is what he's saying and what the sheriff and Alex's dad  is saying bc it's not the truth Zach didn't kill Bryce  i quickly stood up and over to Tyler i can't live with this "hey can i talk to you?" i ask him he nods smiling "yeah" he says i pull him aside

"do you have any guns still? i need to borrow one for something i'll even pay you" i say to him his smile fades "kensley are you okay?" he asked i nod "yeah i just need one" i say he shakes his head "i don't have anything" he says "sorry" he walks away i sigh i quickly leave the station i can't do this once i get home i get out pen and paper and begin writing

"Jess Alex" i shout they both turn around i quickly catch up to them "did bryce talk to you tonight?" i asked look at Jess she nods "yeah how do you know" she asked "he came up to me too and told me to tag along with you" i say Alex is picking me up tonight to go well stop and get you too" she said i nod "perfect" i say "shouldn't you be with Zach?" Alex ask "he left already i don't know where he went" i say shrugging "yo ken's!" i hear behind me i turn to see justin "text me when you're on your way i'll sneak out" i say the nod i quickly rush over to justin to get in the car and go home

Baby: hey i'm okay not going to hospital fuck Bryce
me: fuck bryce?
Baby:he's the one who hit me
me: i'm sorry baby
Baby: i'll talk to him
me: talk to him?

Zach didn't answer after that we pulled up to the house and i raced upstairs spacing my room i was nervous to see Bryce my phone buzzed i picked it up

Jess: here

i picked up my jacket and quickly opened my window and climbed out i shut it and climbed down and made my way to Alex moms car and hoped in we made the drive to the spot he told us to meet him at we pull up and i see him sitting on the ground i was confused Alex got out first "what the fuck are you doing here" Bryce asked

||End flashback ||

word count: 1007

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