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We pull into the school parking lot god I hate this place I get out of the car and Zach walks over to me and put an arm around me I spot Clay Jensen he turn around and see me and franticly walks over to me "can I-uh talk to you?" He ask nervously I look up at Zach "yeah sure" I say me and Clay walk over to a private area

"can I help you?" I ask nervously "yeah I was meaning to ask you yesterday but I didn't see you at school" he says "ahh yeah I kinda just left" I say shrugging "right anyways the list the hot or not list why weren't you on it?" He ask me I think for a minute "I mean you weren't dating Zach so why weren't you also on it?" He questions "prolly something to do with Justin being apart of it" I grab onto the loops on my bag "alright" Clay said "who's tape are you on?" I ask before he walks away "Tyler I think" I nod

I walk into the school I spot the boys and meet back up with them I see Justin and Jessica dressed up I laugh at them "awe you and zachy should of dressed up" Jess teased Zach came up from behind me "we aren't weird" he said and I laugh looking at him with scuba diving gear on "I'm not weird" I correct everyone laughed "hey party tonight a Bryces?" Jess asked "im in" I say and everyone else agrees

we all go our separate ways to our classes I have this class with Justin,Zach,Clay and Jessica I honestly don't even know what we are talking about I'm just trying to hurry and finish yesterday's homework there was a knock on the class room door and Mr.Porter walks in "Hello Mr.Porter" our teacher stated "hi" he says waving to her he looks around and makes Contact with me "Come on kensley let's have a little chat" Mr.Porter says to me I look at Zach Jessica and Justin Clay makes eye contact with me too I stand up and grab my backpack by the top loop and follow Mr.Porter to his office

"uhh take a seat Kensley" he says I take a seat and he does as well "how are you doing?" Mr.Porter ask where is this going? "I'm okay" I say "so Umm how are things at home?" He asked looking at my face "things are great at home" I say "so what happened to your face?" He ask folding his hands together staring intently "I just got in a little fight it's nothing" I say convincing "with who? Justin? Zach?" He digs "no it wasn't them" I say "okay then who?" He crosses his legs "uh I don't know some girl down the street started making fun of Justin so I took it into my own hands" I defend myself Mr.Porter nods

"okay any substance abuse recently?" He ask my eyes go shocked "what? No" I say defensive the end of the day bell rings "can I go?" I ask tears threatening to fall "sure keep in touch tho" he says I nod and walk out of his office I walk outside to see a everyone just chilling doing their own thing

Clay walks up to me "Hey what did Mr.Porter ask you?" He asked me I stop to turn to him "what the hell do you want Clay leave me the fuck alone leave Justin alone and leave Zach alone stop playing games with people Clay" I yell shoving him back and I look over and see all the Jocks cheering and laughing

I walk over to them "finally stood up to him?" Justin ask laughing "can we just go?" I ask wiping my tears Zach nods "yeah let's go" Zach says we get to his car and Justin and Alex sit in the back and me and Zach up front  guess where we went? Yeah Bryces like always ask I get out of the car and walk to the pool house I sit at the table and pull out my homework attempting to do it again it's math and extremely confusing if you don't pay attention in class

the usual is happening at Bryces video games talking drinking getting high and me trying to just complete my geometry homework

after 2 hours I finally finished I get up and meet Justin Alex's and Marcus outside I put my hands in my pocket "where the fuck is he?" Justin ask I assume he's talking about clay "he'll be here" Marcus says I look around "if he doesn't show we're done making friends we do it my way" Justin says getting angry "what is your way exactly" Alex's ask "we make him understand" Justin says the door bell go offs "yeah understand what?" Alex's ask as I turn around to see Zach running to the door "candys in the bowl" he says I laugh at his intense focus he has for the game

"you got a delivery" a man says me Justin Alex's and Marcus all look between each other me and Justin and Alex's walk over to the door we open it to see a box on the ground "holy shit is that them?" I ask Justin picks them up and we walk to the living room he attempts to open the box he rips it open and what's inside is in fact not the tapes

"the fuck those are for my dad" Bryce yells putting everything back in the box Zach walks in the kitchen behind Bryce "dude I must be like really stoned or something" Justin says laughing and rubbing his forehead Bryce walks off with the box irritated "okay we should not be doing this at his house" Alex's says "yeah I agree" I state "really should we do it at yours?" Justin ask him I roll my eyes "he's going to find out" Zach says walking to us

"maybe that's how it ends" Marcus says "No" Justin says sternly "this ends with clay whatever we have to do okay?" He states I honestly have no idea how far Justin will go but I know either way it's not good "Justin you're freaking me out" I say as Zach wraps an arm around my shoulder "maybe you're too fucking stoned huh" he came at me pointing a knife in my direction i Flinch back holding my breath I stared at him in the eyes I know he would never do anything to physically hurt me Everyone looks back and forth between each other in the group as Justin drops the knife as he laughs along with Marcus as I look up at Zach

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I was at home now I left Bryces a couple hours ago I was looking at myself in the mirror and my phone ringing I look at the notifications and it's from Clay I open it to see a picture of Tyler naked it was taken outside his house "omg Jensen" I turn my phone off and ignore it I just decided that maybe it's time for bed I lay in bed and think about what's gonna happen to me when clay hears my tape what is he gonna do to me after over thinking the situation I fall asleep

Word count: 1233

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