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I walked into our school's library not really having any plans to come back here today but anything for Zach I guess

I spot him sitting at one of the tables and I quickly walk over to him as I see he's working on homework I sit down next to him as he looks up and smiles at me

"hey" he said I smiled at him "what are you working on?" I ask looking at the paper in front of him

"uh biology" he said we sat there in silence while Zach did his homework and I say and thought about everything remembering all my memories in this library

I sat with my back leaning up against a chair reading a book with my legs resting on Jeff's lap as he was working on a paper with Clay "no Jeff you're doing it wrong" Clay said taking Jeff's pencil and erasing his mistake Jeff huffs and slumps back in his chair his hand squeezing my ankles I look up from my book and take my legs off Jeff sitting up getting closer to him "what's wrong" I ask Jeff In a pouty voice "Clays being mean tell him to stop" Jeff said crossing his arms I gasp and grab Jeff's head holding it against my chest covering his ear "how dare you speak to my Jeff like that you know he has issues" I say making Clay laugh and Jeff shoot up his mouth gaped open a look of betrayal on his face as I laugh making Jeff laugh "I'm just kidding" I say grabbing his face and pulling his lips to meet mine we pull away and look at Clay who has a confused look on his face "are you guys dating?" He asked me and Jeff looked at each other in disgust "ew no" we both say at the same time both fake barfing making us all laugh "wait like for real you guys aren't?" Clay asked Jeff shakes his head "no" I say smiling "then what was that?" Clay asked still extremely confused "dude can't two best friends just kiss?" Jeff asked Clay thought for a moment before shaking his head "no actually no they can't you see normal best-" he starts "yeah yeah blah blah blah you see me and Jeff will never date I love him he loves me it's like dating without the label? You know we're in love with each other we tried dating and hated it so we decided to just be best friends who do the dating things and it's working" I say shrugging Clay just slowly nods as Jeff points to me and nods "I still don't get it" Clay said making me and Jeff laugh "it's okay we don't get it either" Jeff said pulling me in for another kiss ||End flash back||

not many words were exchanged between me and Zach we just enjoying each others peaceful company

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I open the door to a  class room seeing Sherri Justin and Clay sitting in chairs around a table"they put my picture in this box with like a hundred others" Sherri finished the door made a loud noise as It shut making Clay jump they all looked at me

"finally where have you been" Justin asked "sorry I got here as fast as I could" I say sitting on a chair next to Justin

"wait like trophies?" Clay asked Sherri getting back to the topic "insurance" Justin said I nod "what happens in the Clubhouse stays in the club house" I say my leg bouncing up and down nervously

"we have to get those pictures we'll go during the game" Clay said looking at all of us "you go I'm out" Sherri said "wait why?" Clay asked confused as always

"I can't go back there" Sherri spoke my heart broke for her "yeah I get it" I say giving her sorry eyes she looked at me confused "you've been there?" She asked I nod

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I walk to my locker opening it to grab some books as I open it I see the bear Jeff gave me covered in some type of red liquid imitating blood and needles sticking into the bear along with some heroin

I gasp at the sight quickly picking up the bear and drugs and shoving it in my bag a note sitting there I pick it up and read what it says

'Better tell your buddies to stay quiet'

I throw it in my bag as I look around making eye contact with Bryce and Monty looking down at my shoes what buddies? I ask my self is he talking about Justin or Clay maybe Jess I shake my head before slamming my locker shut and walked away

Word count: 978

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