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I read the text and quickly get ready throwing my hair up and heading downstairs as I head that way

"Hey" I say as I see Alex lifting weights "hey kens" he said I stood to the side watching him as I began to stretch Clay and Ani walk in and walk over to us "Jesus can I go anywhere without you being there you're like Justin except ten times worse" I say to him he rolled his eyes

"you work out here?" Alex ask Clay "no he doesn't" I say to him crossing my arms "I don't know uh self improvement you know?" He said to Alex that's when I started to catch on they were up to something "I don't recommend illegal supplements for what it's worth" Alex said to him "no" Clay said shaking his head Alex set the weight down and took off the weights so it's just the bar

"will you show me how to do all this shit?"Clay asked Alex looked at him as he kept talking "Justin is always like 'squats are key' and all I can about is him taking a crap" Clay said making Alex laugh "it's actually somewhat like that" Alex spoke as he prepared the bar "here start with just the bar" Alex said

"it's my two favorite sad skinny guy and my only favorite sad skinny girl" ani approached us I laugh "wrong girl Ani" I say she cocked her head "I'm not sad" I say they all look at me making me shut up am I sad? I don't think I'm sad shit this is gonna bother me now "it's too soon to joke" Alex said turning to her

"I love you and you know it" she said to him "and you two working out together" ani started "please don't say we're cute" Clay said "are so fucking hot" she finished "I can't ever stand it I'm overwhelmed" Clay got behind the bar as Alex told him what to do

I notice Ani lean over into Alex bag and take something and walk away with it quickly what the hell are they up too I drowned out the boys trying to figure out what they were doing Clay put the bar down and walked into the room with ani

"they are up to something" I say to Alex as he put the weight back on "you're paranoid" he said not even looking at me "no I'm not" I say to him as I walk away and creaked the door open they walked into to see what they were doing

"I don't know but were about to find out" ani said as I open the door "what are you guys doing?" I ask closing the door they turn around and had Alex phone "I knew it I knew you guys were up to something" I say

"calm down kensley" Clay said "no why do you have Alex phone first you take his drugs now this he's seriously gonna hate you" I say crossing my arms "not if he doesn't find out" Ani said

"right like I'm not gonna tell him" I say laughing "please kens" ani begged "I'll tell mom and dad you were drunk the other day" Clay said I bite my lip "fine just give me his phone" I say holding my hand out and ani passed it over "you guys suck" I say as I leave the room and put the phone back in his bag where it belongs

"what were they up too?" Alex ask squatting "uh nothing you were right" I say shrugging he nods "I told you kens stop being so weird about everything" he said I nod "wanna come hang out at my place?" He asked

"sure as long as your brother isn't gonna be there" I say he shakes his head "he went back to college" he said I nod as he grabbed mine and his bag and we headed to his car

Word count:669

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