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||flashback the day after spring fling||"Why are you cutting him?" Alex asked making me come back to reality and look at them

"um because he's evil" Jess said I look at Justin confused Jess stands up and kissed Alex i noticed Justin tense state I'm definitely asking about this later everyone started arriving and we all sit down at the big table I sit next to Zach and Alex

"We went over to roll his car into a parking place we figured we could hide it with other cars" Justin spoke "but the keys were still in it Tyler didn't plan on coming back to it" Jess spoke

"so I drove it away"  Clay said "Jesus that's balls" Cyrus said

"it was fucking stupid going out there stepping in front of a gun like that acting like a fucking hero or something"  Zach said

"you called the cops I passed the cops on my way out think about that timing if I hadn't done something kids would be dead" Clay argued

"we don't know that all you did was give Tyler another chance" Zach said "exactly" Justin spoke up "another chance to do it again" Zach said

"what if no one stops him next time?" Zach continues "We make sure there isn't a next time" Clay spoke

"that's insane Clay!" Zach yelled "Zach" I say as a warning "no kensley he needs serious help" Zach shouted looking over at me

"we can get him help" I say arguing with him

"but if we tell anyone what he did then he's expelled at least and probably jail and probably trialed as an adult so he's in juvie until he's 21 and then they send him to prison a s then what happens to him Zach?" I shout to him not even acknowledging the other people at the table but just focusing on Zach

"no... this is bullshit I'm out" he said to me "Zach" I say angry "you can't keep walking away from your problems" I say to him

"listen I won't tell I won't say anything but it's just not my job to take care of that psychopath" he said looking at everyone as he stood up

"let's go kens" he said to me I crossed my arms "no" I say "whatever" he said walking off I watch him and sigh looking back to the other||end flashback||

"we gotta go get Tyler" I say looking down at my phone reading the text from Clay Bryce was missing and it was Alex's time to check on him a

we walk to the picture  and open the door to see Tyler in there hangin up pictures "hey Alex kens" he said smiling

"hey did anyone text you?" I ask "no why?" He asked "oh shit sorry I forgot you weren't on the chain it wasn't about you" Alex spoke

"um... what was it about then?" He asked us "I guess Bryce walker is missing" Alex spoke "what does that mean?" Tyler asked "it means no ones

him since Friday night" I say "but like do they think something happened to him?" Tyler asked

"I mean who knows?" Alex asked "look Justin has work Clay is still downtown so Cyrus said he'd give you a ride home" Alex said

"oh okay" Tyler said "is that not okay?" I asked "no it's great I just um he's probably not happy about it right?" Tyler asked

"look my moms coming to get me later do you want to wait with me?" Alex asked him "would that be okay?" Tyler asked

"yeah yeah" Alex said "out front in five" Alex said and Tyler nod me and Alex walked off

"well he took that better than I thought he would" I said Alex nodded

"where do you think Bryce is?" Alex asked I shrug "I don't know I texted him like 50 times but no response" I say Alex nods

||flash back week after spring fling||
I wake up to my alarm that's sitting on a night stand next to the couch ive been sleeping on ever since I got here I quickly turn it off and groan as I suddenly feel someone ruffling me hair

I open my eyes to Justin walking away into the kitchen I stand up rubbing my eyes and in my pjs which is a sports bra and sweats

"hey guys" I say to everyone as I walk in the kitchen they all look wide awake and are all dressed

"hey honey breakfast sit" Mrs.Jensen said to me "oh um I'm not hungry" I say she looks over at me "okay at least grab an apple or something go get ready for school" she spoke I nod and grab an apple and go upstairs to the bathroom and change into a random hoodie that I found in my bag

who knows who's it is I have some of Justin's clays Zach's Alex's Jeff's bunch of people I just take them and keep them I throw on some leggings and walk downstairs

"okay kens Justin so the social workers visits a few times they process the paperwork then they'll schedule the custody hearing once everything's been filed and they've confirmed that they can't contact your mother" Mrs.Jensen speaks as I walk into the kitchen slowly

"okay got it" Justin said nodding not really caring about the conversation

"hey I think we should clear out the workshop turn it into a bedroom" Mr.Jensen said "for Justin?" Clays mom asked

"so we bring him into the house then send him to a different building?" She asked

"for both boys they're going to be seniors next year they need their space and kensley can have clays room she can't keep sleeping on the couch" he spoke I lean up against the door frame and crossing my arms

"apparently they don't need their space as they manage all kids of miscreant behavior without us knowing" Mrs.Jensen spoke

"right Clay?" She asked "Clay?" She questioned I look over at him zoning out I smack his arm as he looks up to his parents

"uh right" he said I give him a strange look as his phone goes off and he looks at the message "hey is that mine?" Justin asked pointing to my sweatshirt I look down and shrug

"probably" I say "take it off" he said I look over at him "no" I say "kensley stop taking my clothes" he said as he stood up walking through the living room "it was in my bag" I say

"yeah bc you took from me" he spoke "cry about it" I say in a mocking tone pushing my bottom lip out

"okay kids stop fighting" clays dad spoke walking into the living room with us "I'm wearing it" I say getting the last word before walking out side and sitting on the front porch

i lean my head against the railing fiddling around with the lighter in my pocket

I pull it out and flick it on pulling out a blunt from my other pocket but instantly shoving it back in my pocket when I hear the front door open

"come on dumbass its time for school" Justin said throwing my bag at me as we all get into clays car

Word count:1217

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