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The game started and I looked at Zach as he looked at me he winked at me before getting into catching position

I look over at Clay and Justin who are frantically waving me over to them I get off the bleachers and walk over to them

we make our way to the clubhouse Clay pulled out his phone and starts putting in the combination we open the door as I instantly get chills walking in looking around for the box of Polaroid

I look around the place still disgusted about it looking at the couch and the memories of me being here flood back to me

"Here you go" Monty says passing me the bong I take it as I take a hit and then take a drink of the alcohol in my cup it tasted weird and made me feel weird but I ignored it thinking it was just the drugs after a while I couldn't even keep my eyes open and realized i wad the only one drinking and getting high but I didn't care I just wanted to sleep I lay my head back listening to the music they were blasting as I get pushed down so I'm laying flat I open my eyes to see Bryce above me "ow you dick" I say crossing my arms over my chest feel weird as my chest is kind of exposed from my crop top I feel bryces hand touch me in a place I didn't want him to touch "Bryce stop" I say going to sit up only to be pushed down and held down soon I start feeling pain and his hands still on me so I cry for help but only to end up passing out ||end flashback||

"Kens?" Justin asked me as I stood looking at the couch "huh?" I ask looking over at him slowly "are you okay?" He asked I nod

"yeah no being in here makes me think about what happened" I say looking back to the couch "oh" he says as he walks over to me and wraps me in a hug

I slowly hug him back still looking on the couch "you can go if you want" Clay said me and Justin pull away I shake my head and began looking again still frantically looking every where and we can't find the box anywhere

"you'd think they'd know better than to just leave this shit lying around" Justin said going through a cabinet "uh except then they'd know better than to take pictures in the first place" Clay said I chuckle slamming the drawer I was going through close

"yeah well you'd think they'd be fucking smart enough not to rape girls in the first place" I say slamming another drawer I stand up and I ran a hand through my hair and take a deep breath trying to relieve my anger and sadness

tears coming to my eyes the boys just ignored me understanding what's going on the door opened and I look up at who it was as

I wipe my eyes I see Zach walk in we make eye contact and i quickly walk over towards Justin "shit" Clay said quietly but we all still heard it Zach stood there confused looking at all of us his eyes stay on me a little to long as he noticed my uncomfortable state

"what the fuck are you doing here?" Zach asked us quickly walking towards us "we know about the clubhouse" Clay said I scoff "no shit" I say softly knowing no one else hear me but Justin

"we know everything and we're not the only one" Clay said super fast Zach looks to me "hmm you think you know everything I don't think so" Zach said angry

"we know enough" Clay spoke "hey just back off Dempsey" Justin tried calming him down "or what Justin? Gonna come at me? I wasn't scared of you even before you feel apart" Zach spoke what the fuck is wrong with him

"Zach" I say as more of a warning as he looks at me "this is what you ditched me for today? And now you're missing my game? What the fuck is happening to us kens" he spoke I let out a breath and look down those words hitting deep

"do what you want Zach I've had the shit beat out of me once this week already it's not gonna stop us" Clay spoke I look over at him just now noticing his bruises on his face

"really?" Zach asked stepping closer to him "yes" "cause it's gonna keep happening Clay to you to Justin and you kensley it doesn't stop" Zach said he was angry like super angry something else had to have happened

"you can't take shots at the top and expect to not get hit back" he said in clays face "I'm not afraid" Clay said shaking his head

"good" Zach said walking away grabbing a metal box "you already have four of these there's the rest" Zach said putting the box down on the table I swallow the lump in my throat so it was Zach I wonder if he put mine in my locker if so why didn't he say something to me he goes to walk out but Clay stops him

"wait wait" he said as Zach stops walking and turns around and I look at Justin "it was you? Why the big mystery? Why couldn't you just talk to me? Or kens? Tell us what was going on" Clay asked raising his voice

"cause I'm a fucking coward alright I'm a coward Clay" Zach yelled making eye contact with me and Clay

"and you're not" he spoke looking at me one last time before walking out I look at the box shocked and then to the two boys

"can we get out of here?" I ask they both nod grabbing the box and walking out of the club house locking it up again

Word count:1009

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