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I woke up in Justin's bed with a strong headache "come on kens get up Mrs.Jensen did see you at all yesterday she's gonna get worried" Justin said dragging my feet

"I don't feel too good" I say rubbing my eyes suddenly jolt up racing for the bathroom but only realized the door was locked I quickly banged on the door and Clay came out I pushed pasted him quickly and leaned over the toilet and threw up whatever was in my stomach

I leaned back against the bathroom walls wiping away the tears that formed in my eyes and rubbing my forehead in attempt to make the aching pain go away

"take this" Justin said handing me a water and a pill bottle "thanks" I say he slides down the wall next to me I take the pill "this feels like home" I say Justin looked at me confused

"me coming home drunk blaming my mouth about whatever falling asleep in your bed not remember in the morning throwing up over the toilet because I can't keep my alcohol down and you helping" I say he nods

"I think it's just a you thing" Justin said I slowly nod "right" I say "At least we have each other" he says I nod and lay my head on his shoulder "are you sad you know about Bryce" I ask I felt him nod

"yeah extremely sad how about you?" He asked I thought for a moment "I am sad and angry and I feel defeated" I admit "defeated why do you feel defeated?" He asked

"because when Bryce raped me I couldn't even stand in the same building as him without feeling like it was gonna happen again he was gonna hurt me or the memory would replay in my mind anytime someone would touch me I hated it and it was just starting to get better I could talk to Bryce without feeling afraid I could tell him no and he would understand I was starting to feel like maybe eventually I could consider us friends again I know what your thinking right now 'kens he raped you' yeah he did but I don't want to just be the girl who got raped and I don't want to think of him as just my rapist does that make since?" I ask looking up at him he nods

"kind of" he said I nod "come on I need to go change" I say I quickly get up "I need to shower social worker comes today" Justin said I smack my face "shit I forgot about it" I groan as me as I walk into the house Justin following behind

  "good morning kids you guys have your home visit today" Mrs.Jensen said as her a Mr.Jensen were putting a pot of flowers behind them she turned around and faced me

"kensley what happened to you face?" She asked "just hit me a little too hard but it was a complete accident" I say they nod "no more wrestling the social workers gonna think something else" Mr.Jensen said I nod

"right sorry" I say rubbing up stairs to quickly change Justin following on his phone "Bryce was shot" he said I looked over at him confused "what?" I ask leaning over to see his phone and looking at it in disbelief

"you don't think someone at liberty did something do you?" I ask "I don't know" he replied "Justin where were you after homecoming?" I ask he shook his head

"where were you?" He asked we stood there in silence before he walked off to the bathroom changed into a nice outfit for the social worker and walked over to the baggy Monty gave me and take out the pills and take a couple and putting a blunt in my back pocket for later I go downstairs and help  Mrs Jensen get everything ready moved the vase of Flowers onto the counter in front of them

"do the flowers make it seem like we're trying to hard? She asked looking over at me and Mr.Jensen I shrug "a little are we flower people I feel like we aren't flower people we should just be us" Mr.Jensen said I nod

"I agree" I say standing up and putting a stack of plates on the table  Mrs.Jensen puts the flowers back by the sink and the front doors open

"hey kiddo you ready?" Mr.Jensen ask I turn my head and see Clay "for?" Clay asked "the twins home visit" Mrs.Jensen said "don't worry I forgot to" I say he looked over at me and starred at me a little to long I quickly looked away and went into the fridge

"the social worker is going to be here any minute" She continued "that's today awesome do I have to be here for it?" Clay ask "Clay it's very important that we show them that we're providing kens and Justin with a happy healthy home environment" Mrs.Jensen spoke to her son

"are you... you still feel good about all this right?" Mr.Jensen asked I shifted uncomfortably and Clay looked in my direction and back to his parents

"what oh yeah no totally I'm good I just had something I had to do but I'll figure it out" Clay said "happy healthy got it all good" Clay said smiling to his parents as he walks away Mrs.Jensen grabbed the vase of flowers and put them on the table smiling to her husband

"if the adoption doesn't work out what will happen?" I ask "uh well what will probably happen is foster care or they try and find your mom and you go back there but let's not think like that okay" she said I nod my head racing with thoughts

"um Bryce they po-" I was cut off with a hand covering my mouth to stop me from talking I look over and see Justin I give him a what the fuck look "the still haven't found anything I don't think I just can't believe he's dead" he said

"yeah the world is crazy these days" Mr.Jensen said suddenly there was a knock on the door "I'll get it" Mrs.Jensen said me and Justin nod

Help is severely needed right now!! Please I need ideas what kind of interaction should kensley and Zach have now that they are broken up? Should Zach beg for her back? Or should kens realize she made a mistake? Or both? Please help me!!!!

Word count:1086

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