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"Jesus" I say as I look around at the place it's half knocked over and graffiti is everywhere we all got in position as we waited for Monty to pull up

Once he does we all become anxious not knowing how this is gonna go "hey Scotty" I hear Monty say "Bryce is looking for you" Scott says

"you didn't tell him about this place did you?" Monty asked well more threatened I guess "no I told you I never would" he said I look up at Zach drowning out the two boys he put a hand on my shoulder squeezing it lightly as I look back at them

"I'm not a rapist Monty" Scott said Monty scoffs "okay" He said "and I'm sick of people assuming I am" Scott said "look we've been taking care of Bryce for too long man come one enough enough" Scott said making very good points "okay so what do you want me to do?" Monty asked

Clay stepped out from his hiding place "give us the Polaroids back" Clay said

"what the fuck Scotty?" Monty ask "they told me what you've been doing" Scott spoke  "wait you're the one who fucking narc'd about the clubhouse" he asked

"nope I did" Zach said as he walks out grabbing my hand dragging me with him Alex following us "oh right of course you did" Monty said spitting on the ground near Zach Justin Walked out along with Tony

"Fuck this I'm out" he said going to turn around but stopping seeing Tony in his way "what's the matter Monty? You scared?" Tony asked

"we know what you did running me off the road" Clay said "the target" Alex said "dead rat" Zach said

"the bear and drugs" I say gaining a look from not only Monty but Zach Tony Justin and Clay I told them about the bear and the needles I didn't tell them there was actual drugs tho

"my fucking car" Tony said angry "I don't know what you're talking about" Monty said nervously "just give us the pictures and we'll let you go" Alex said Monty looked around I look down feeling bad

I know he didn't have the pictures Nina did and we had a plan but I couldn't tell them they would freak "you'll let me go?" Monty questioned

"or what you gonna hit me with your cane again?" Monty asked walking towards Alex as he quickly pulled out a gun and pointed it at Monty "oh shit" Zach said "whoa" Scott quietly said "hey Alex" Clay said trying to get his attention "Alex where'd you get that gun?" Justin asked

"Monty gave it to me" Alex said not breaking contact with Monty he looked around completely nervously so did all of us not knowing what to do now that there's a gun involved someone might end up getting seriously hurt

"okay all right yeah I'll give you the Polaroids and then I'm clean that's the deal" Monty said we all look around at each other well I didn't I looked at Justin but once he looked at me I looked away looking at the ground

I don't want him to know I've been lying "fine hand them over" Clay said "I have to get them they're not here" Monty said "I'll go with you" Alex said "Alex" Zach said "no I go with him" Alex said

"I'll come" I say nervously looking at Alex "no I go just me" Alex said I nod even tho he wasn't looking at me as they walk off

Waiting was the most painful part knowing Monty didn't have the pictures and Alex a crippled just took off with him without any one else with a gun might I add is not something that is setting right with me

everyone was leaning up again the wall or sitting down as I was pacing back and forth checking where they took off from "Kensley calm the fuck down" Tony said I stop pacing and look at him "I am calm" I say holding my hands into first

"yeah right that's why you're pacing back and forth checking where they took off from squeezing you're hands in to first which I'll have you know you're palms are bleeding and you're talking faster than usual not making eye contact" Justin said looking up at me I look down at my palm and wipe the blood on my jeans

"I'm clam" I say again "maybe we should go look for them though it's taking to long" I say looking at Zach

"kens they're fine Monty gonna go get the pictures and they are gonna come back safely" he said I look away pushing my hair behind my ear "right safe bring back the pictures gonna be safe okay okay" I whisper to my self going back to pacing I get to the end of the wall checking and I went to turn around and ran into Scott

"shit" I say gasping "sorry are you okay?" He asked I shake my head "if I tell you something can you promise not to tell a single fucking soul?" I ask he nods

I look over at the other boys with us and quickly I grab him by his sleeve and drag him behind a wall out of sight from the others "Monty doesn't have the Polaroids" I say "what?" Scott ask I nod

"he doesn't have them in fact I know exactly who has them but I can't tell them who has them because Im the reason that person has them and I'm scared for Monty and Alex I mean I really hate Monty but we're friends or were friends we were friends we've been through shit Scott and Alex he's like a brother I don't know what to do" I say checking behind the wall to see if any of the others are looking

"tell them?" He asked I shake my head "I can't do that do you know how pissed they will all be I will literally be the equivalent to dog shit to them" I say he nods "just hope for the best I'm sure it will all work out" Scott said I nod and quickly hug him we pull away and walk back towards the group me calmer than I was before

"what was that about?" Clay ask me I shake my head "Just um-" I look around thinking for a moment what will make them not ask questions "about Jeff" I say Scott nods "they were friends and I was asking his opinion on something I read in the letter you gave me from him"I say Clay nods

"you read it?" Zach ask I nod "yeah" I say no I haven't I hate lying to them I look at all them as they all share a look with each other not buying it "are you okay?" Tony asked walking up to me putting a hand on my back I nod "yeah why?" I asked

"kens you're acting weird and you're talking about Jeff and you said you read the note but I know if you read that note you would be a wreck right not" Justin spoke I shrug

"I guess you're wrong then" I say walking away from them waiting for Alex and Monty to return

Word count:1226

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