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In the morning I wake up to Zach's alarm blaring I rub my eyes and stretch I get up along with Zach   he kisses me and walks over to his dresser I pull out my clothes and glance down at the stuff  at the bottom of my bag i sigh as I put on the pair of jeans I brought and Zach's hoodie that he gave me a couple nights ago when we snuck out together

i do all the other morning stuff and Zach goes to the bathroom for a quick second to shower and I quickly shot up I honestly don't know how I haven't died yet I've been shooting up for almost a month now and before that I was popping pills mainly Xanax sometimes oxy

Bryce is the one who got me hocked on heroine I was at his house ranting to him about how I need something stronger and the pill aren't working anymore and now I got over there at least once a week and buy the heroine from him

I put my needle and everything In my school bag underneath everything and zip up my bag I grab it and pull it on my shoulder I walk to the living room and sit on the couch having small talk with his mom and sister as I wait for Zach he comes down the stairs and we walk to his car and we drive to school when we get there we walk hand in hand into the school we spot Justin and walk over to him

"Mr.Porter wants to see me about Hannah" Justin says "prolly about this fucking law suit" Zach answered I lean into Zach he wraps an arm around my shoulders

Zach nods his head in the direction of clay walking into the school Justin just stares at him "can't you guys be nice for one fucking day what do you even have against him?" I ask standing up straight facing the both of them  making Zach's arm fall "he has the tapes" Justin says my eyes widen at the news

"oh shit" I say Zach nods and pulls me back into him this time both arms securely wrapped around my shoulders as my back leans into his chest "are you feeling better?" Justin ask me I shake my head no

"what are you feeling like? Any maybe uh withdrawals symptoms maybe?" He ask nervously looking at me up and down he knows him and Zach had to of talked after I went to bed

"I could ask you the same question" I say standing up and walking away making sure my shoulder bumps into Justin's as I walk past him from them to my science class i basically ignored them both all day wanting to avoid both of their questions

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at the end of the day I wanted to find Zach because I saw Justin leaving school today and I didn't know why so I was gonna ask him about hoping that's the only thing we talk about

I walked to the gym and heard  basketballs I looked in and see Zach He's missing almost every shot I go and quietly sit on the bleachers  that's right by the door his back is facing to me so he won't notice me for a while he's to focus

I pull out my note book and pen I start drawing him shooting I think I should start drawing more I'm definitely not horrible at it so worth a shot

after I finish I hold it up and that's when he noticed me he walks over all sweaty and gross and tried to hug me "ew no" I laugh pushing his arms alway from me he laughs ad he he sits down on the bleacher in front of me "where did Justin go?" I ask putting my stuff to the side of me Zach's eyes follow my bag looking almost disgusted

"Mr.Porter asked him about Hannah and he freaked so he going to stay somewhere" I look over at him and meet his eyes "where?" I ask tilting my head "I can't tell you" he says I nod "so Bryces" I say and he nods "yeah" we both chuckled

soon the chuckling died out and we sat in silence both avoiding the one thing we know is on our minds in different views tho I studied Zach's face as he looked out the doors of the gym he looked nervous, angry, and hurt all in one I on the other hand am trying to get the addictive drug off my mind

"so I talked to Justin" Zach spoke up breaking the silence "you never went camping and all your cousins live in Idaho" Zach said looking up at me "uhh I don't know what to say" is all I say looking down at my lap I can't lie out of this one "you could say the truth" he states  "can you handle the truth?" I ask he slowly nods almost questioning himself if he can handle the truth or not "it's heroin" I say just above a whisper my hands shaking as I bit my nail nervously "it's what?" He looked shocked

"heroin" he drops his head in his hand and rubs his face "you relapsed?" He ask a little angry his voice raising "I- uh I never stopped" I say looking down my leg bouncing up and down

he stands up and walks away a little he chucks the basketball at the bleachers a little ways a way from me making a loud noise echo in the gym I flinch as tears come to my eyes i try to fight them back but as I look at him they start falling I hurt the one person who cares so much about me and I hate myself for it I was only thinking about my self and not about everyone I love and how they would be effected he walks over to me I can tell he's angry with me

"look either you get clean or we're done" Zach says sternly my mouth drops in shock "what do you mean done?" I ask chocking on my words as tears flow from my eyes "you have 3 weeks I can get you whatever you need but if you aren't clean I'm sorry kens but we can't be together" Zach says I nod "okay" I say quietly looking down at the gym floor

"I'm so sorry" I say my his face softens at the sight of me he's no longer looks angry he looks hurt "hey it's okay I just want my kens back this kens" he says cupping my cheek "this is not my kens"  hearing that broke my heart more tears fall out of my eyes he pulls me into him he holds my head into his shoulder I wrap my arms around him and we stand there the both of us crying

"let's go" he says I nod we both walk out of the school and to his car the car was silent i over thought what just happened

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we arrived at Zach's I'm gonna be in a shit load of trouble when I get home I've been at Zach's for two nights in a row now and the because of the shit I pulled before I left we walk in and head straight up stairs we both throw our bags down and lay on his bed facing away from each other we go on our phones not really  knowing what to say to each other

I feel the bed shift and Zach wraps an arm around my waist and puts his head in the croak of my neck "can I ask you something" he ask I turn my phone off "what is it" I turn my head so I'm looking in his eyes he propped his head up with his arm "where did you get it from?" he ask I scoff I got it all from Bryce but I can't tell Zach that not after what we both heard on the tapes he would freak "kensley where?" He said again "I stole it from Seth" I lie very convincing he nods

"stole what from who?" Zach's mom ask walking into the room "oh nothing mom" Zach says "okay well dinner is ready Kensley will you be joining us?" She turns her attention to me "If it's alright with you and Zach?" I say looking between the two of them they both nod and we make our way downstairs to the kitchen

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after dinner Zach and his sister played a board game while I say and watched I didn't want to play I was in pain cramping all over sweating and itchy I felt horrible Zach's mom had gone to bed a few minutes ago so it was just the 3 of us

"are you okay?" I hear may ask I look at her and smile "yeah I'm great" I say she gives me a look and then looks at Zach "hey may I think me and kens are gonna head up to bed" Zach says May nods and heads up to bed herself I go to stand up but start feeling extremely dizzy I grab onto Zach arm "it's okay I got you" Zach says wrapping and arm around my waist helping me walk up the stairs and to his room we fall asleep in his bed cuddled up together

Word count: 1582

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