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I got home from hanging out with Alex and head inside "hey kens" Matt greets me "hey guys" I greeted the couple I take off my jacket and shoes and sat down on the couch with them "where are the boys?" Lainie asked "um Clay is with Ani I think and I think Justin is with Zach" except he wasn't he was getting rid of Tyler's gun

"why aren't you out with friends?" Matt asked "I don't really have friends anymore I mean I have Alex but he's to worried about Jessica so" I say leaning back into the couch my eyes focused on the movie that's playing

"what about Tony? And Ani? Or Jess you guys are friends right?" Lainie ask me "Justin and clays friends don't count they have to like me" I say shrugging making them both laugh

"okay I'm heading off to bed goodnight guys" I say as I go upstairs and get ready for bed

||flashback before homecoming||
"I gotta go kens" Alex said as he checked his phone "where you going?"I ask curious "um no where" he said strangely

"oh my god Alex just tell me you gonna go hook up with Jess? Hanging out with Zach and don't want me to come?" I ask "none of the above" he said laughing "come on it's not like you're going to do a drug deal" I say laughing but stop once I noticed his look

"holy shit you're doing a drug deal you have to let me come" I say "fine" he said as we get in his car and drive off

"Where are we?" I ask noticing the huge house "I don't know some hill crest party rich kids" he said shrugging "no shit you're getting your shit from Bryce" I say laughing he nods

"not proud of it" he said as we get out of the car and walk in the music was loud and everyone was drinking or smoking but everyone looked rich I hate rich kids "you guys look lost" I hear someone say my head snaps to the side to see a tall skinny boy with a black t-shirt on and jeans

"yeah I'm looking for Bryce walker" Alex said to him "standall hey you found the place" I hear the one and only Bryce yell as he makes his way closer to us "yep" he said "what's up buddy hey kens" Bryce said as he greeted us clearly intoxicated "nothing" Alex said shaking his head gripping onto his cane

"guys come on it take a seat grab a drink" he said to us smiling "I'm not here to party you said you had the stuff" Alex said I still was wondering what shit he was getting from Bryce "the juice? Yeah and for half the price that towny gym rat charges" Bryce said loudly Alex is getting steroids great

"relax man no one here gives a fuck there's a dude selling coke out back" Bryce said laughing "okay can we just" Alex said Bryce nods "yeah stuffs in my car let's go" he said as he wrapped and arm around each of us "don't touch her" Alex said sternly I look over at him

"no Alex it's okay me and Bryce are like kinda cool now I guess" I say he looked at me confused "what?" He asked looking between me and Bryce "we are building our relationship I mean nothing will ever go back to the way it was before you know but things are definitely getting better I guess" I say shrugging he still looked at me weird Alex pays Bryce through his phone and Bryce gives him the steroids

"Bryce what the fuck man? Where have you been?" I hear Montys voice I hear I turn my head and there he was drunk "omg hey kens long time since I've seen you at a party" he said laughing "anyway let's get the fuck out of here it's all rich fuckheads no offense" Monty said walking down the steps of the house

a guy stood up the same guy who talked to me and Alex he said something to Monty that must of ticked him off because he punched him right in the face repeatedly the poor guy didn't even get to take a shot at Monty before being ripped off him by Bryce who was shouting things at him

"why did he go after you?" Alex asked the guy who just got beat up me mad Alex wanted to make sure he was okay before we left "no clue never seen him before " he said shrugging

"no one called the cops no one has to here's 2,000 I can get you three more tomorrow" Bryce said handing the boy money to keep quiet "hey man I'm sorry he's fucked up he gets like beat at home and shit" Bryce said I scoffed

"five thousand more tomorrow" he said to Bryce "alright" he agreed handing him the money we all three walk off "are you sure that you're okay to drive?" Alex ask

I walk over to Montys door and opened it looking at his hand ever since I started hanging out with Bryce Monty would be with us so me and Monty have gotten extremely close outside of school of course I would literally be dead if Justin and Zach knew I was hanging out with them

"are you okay?" I asked him he looked at me "yeah nothing I ain't used to kens" he said laughing making me smile "if you need anything at all just call me okay? I know what it's like" I say he looked down knowing what I was talking about and nodded

I pulled him into a hug he didn't hug back at first not used to the affection hug eventually held a tight grip on me we both pulled away I smiled at him and closed the door as they drove off but not before backing right up into someone's headlight

I walk over to Alex he shook his head "I swear to god if you start hanging out with Monty I will never speak to you again" Alex said I look over at him "I'm not gonna but I know that when I was being beat at home and shit I wish someone who's been through it would've helped me through it" I say shrugging he scoffed "you're to good for your own good" he said walking back over to the guy on the steps

"your guys friends are messed up" he said I look at him "yeah they are also they aren't our friends" Alex said still watching there car drive off ||end flashback||

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Word count: 1132

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