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*3rd person pov*

Kensley foley quickly rushed outside slamming the front door shut as she sat on the steps of the house thinking about what she just heard the Jensen still stood in the kitchen

Mrs.Jensen looked over at Clay who looked like he knew something she didn't which he did Lainie didn't know about the rape Kensley went through

"honey do you know something I don't about Kensley and Bryces relationship" she asked Clay shrugged "it's not my place to say" he said Lainie nod at her sons response she knew exactly what he was talking about because he said the same thing about Jessica

"I'm gonna go talk to her" Mr.Jensen said the two nod as he walks out of the kitchen "Clay this could help our case if she confessed to her story we could get him for good" she spoke

"mom Kensley was on drugs when she got raped" Clay started his mom nods thinking about all the possible outcomes

*kensley pov*
I hear the front door open and I quickly wipe away my tears and look over at the person who's now sitting down beside me I flash him a small smile and look back down at the steps in front of us

"you know I always wanted a daughter" he said I look over at him confused at where this is going

"Lainie got pregnant with Clay and after that we found out we couldn't get pregnant again so we just never thought about having another kid but then your brother came and it made me realize how much I wish we would of adopted kids earlier on in life maybe another boy for Clay to be able to play with then you came and I really realized how hard it is to be a father to girl especially a girl who just kind of walked into your life but at the right time and just know I'm trying Lainies trying this is all new to all of us we always had to just worry about one kid and now we kind of have three it literally happened overnight and I know you're not officially ours yet but just know that we think of you as ours even if you've only been living here for a month and we think of Justin as ours too and we love you guys" he said I looked over at him after his whole dad speech that he would normally give to Clay

I had tears running down my face he scooted closer to me and pulled me in for a side hug "thank you" I say looking up at him "anytime" he said patting my back

I wipe my tears as Clay and Lainie walk out "we better get going if we wanna make it on time to see Justin" she said I nod standing up off the step I was sitting on only to be hugged by Clay I quickly hug him back

"come on!" Lainie yelled at us as we pull away and make out way to the car

✄- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I sat with Clay and Jessica on a bench as we say nervously waiting for Mrs.Jensen to come out hopefully with good news

"I'm so fucking sorry" Clay said we found out that Bryce only got 3 months of probation that's it he literally raped Jessica and just got probation I was pissed "it's insane" Jess added

"it's unfair" I say looking up at the two "some how I still feel stronger" Jessica said Clay nods

I go to say something but get caught off by a door opening I look over and see Mrs.Jensen and Dennis walking out me Clay and Jessica quickly stand up walking towards them I quickly noticed that Justin wasn't with them

"wait where Justin?" Clay asked "they'll only release him to a guardian and the judge won't move on it we've filed emergency papers but it's a 24-hour minimum" she said I sigh

"goddamn it" I say under my breath crossing my arms shaking my head

"I'll take the petition to Purdue he owes us do you wanna start on the order for the school?" Dennis ask Lainie "yeah" she said to him smiling at Jessica

"we're asking for a court order to force the school to protect you to keep him away from you" she said I looked at Jessica as she smiled "thank you" she spoke

"mom is your firm.. I mean are they cool with this?" Clay ask "ive left the firm to work with Dennis on cases like this" she spoke looking between the three of us mostly to me and Clay

"oh that's..." clay started thinking of a word "cool" I finish for him smiling she looked over at me "I'm sorry we couldn't get Justin out we are trying as hard as we can" she said placing a hand on my shoulder I give her a small smile

"it's okay are we done here tho? I need to go do so-something?" I ask looking around us trying to find a clock or something "yes we are done may I ask what you are so eager to do?" She ask I look at her

"uh-I'm Jessica wanted to go to monets" I say looking at Jessica to go along with it "yeah just catch up you know we've been so busy recently" she said Lainie nods "okay have fun be home soon tho actually this time" she said

"okay I will I promise" I say grabbing Jessica's arm and walk out the court doors "okay where are we actually going" she asked

"um you're going home and I'm on a mission to find my mom" I say going to walk off she grabbed my arm

"are you serious? I'm not letting you go there alone I'm coming with" she spoke I nod

"okay fine let's go" I say as we got into her car and drove to my old neighborhood

Word count: 1001

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