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I sat nervously in the sheriffs office as he played the security camera video of the night Clay pulled a gun out on Bryce "it's not what it looks like" I say "what does it look like then?" Deputy Standall asked me "look I know it looks bad but I swear Clay had no intention of actually hurting Bryce" I rant

"okay kensley I know your a good kid your not in trouble I just need the truth" he said I look around the room avoiding eye contact

"look he was there when me and Justin got there we talked him down and left" I say Standall nods "what do you think would of happen if you and Justin weren't there?" He asked I shrug

"Nothing Clay wouldn't hurt anyone if anything he would of hurt himself" I said fidgeting with my hands that are sat on top of the table "he was just angry" I say Standall looks up from his notepad "angry about what?" He asked "um that was the day we found out Bryce was gonna get away with everything" I say quietly he nods and goes back to writing

"where's the gun?" He asked "Justin got rid of it" I said "and where would that be?" He asked

"I don't know" I say Standall looks at me "don't lie to me kid I know you know you tell each other everything right?" He asked I curse at myself in my head for ever telling him that

"uh he threw it in a dumpster behind some restaurant downtown" I say he nods "relax Kensley" he said noticing my worried state

"relax how do you expect me to relax right now Bryce is dead and everyone thinks I did it and being in here just makes it all a little to real" I say

"did you kill Bryce?" He asked calmly

"no" I say firmly he nods

"okay well then you have nothing to worry about right?" He asked i nod

"right" I say

suddenly the door burst open and I see Mrs.Jensen standing there angry "ma'am" Standall said

"no you cannot interrogate her she's 17 she needs a legal guardian with her" she said grabbing my arm pulling my out of the chair Standall nods as she drags me out of the room to where Justin and Clay are we quickly leave

I sat at a table with Clay ani and Zach me and Zach were extremely tried he was laying his head down on his desk and I was leaning my head against him staring down at the work in front of me

"if you guys want to catch a nap under the table we'll kick you at the bell" Ani said "we were up till midnight" Zach said "yeah" Ani said "doing laundry" Zach said slowly "my mom makes me do it" he said Ani nods

"yeah mine too" she said "yeah but at midnight? Like it can't wait a day?" He said laughing "well you have to learn how to work nothing will be handed to you on a plate" Ani spoke

"yeah she made sacrifices so that I could have opportunities" Zach said mocking his mom "my mom used to make me clean but then I just made a point of being really bad at it so" Clay said making me Ani and Zach laugh

"yeah I don't really have that option and on top of that I asked my mom if she could make a list of like which chores I had to do on which day but she doesn't show me the list she doesn't show me anything" he said

"then everyday there's this new list and that list never ends" He explains talking with his hands making my head move around "she just doesn't want you to get in trouble" Ani said "yeah well if I actually do have free time and I want to spend it I have to come up with a really elaborate lie" he said as I nods

"oh yeah I know I'm a member of at least six non-existent academic clubs" Ani said "six?" Zach asked Ani nods

"can I join?" Zach ask "oh absolutely" Ani said as they laughed

I look up at Clay and could see the jealousy on his face I look away as Ani and Zach kept talking was there a reason to be i then felt the jealousy rise in my as I watched Ani and Zach laugh together

I slap Zach arms he snapped his over to me "shut up I'm trying to sleep" I say he smiles at me I lay my head down on the table he puts a hand in my hair playing with it as I drift off ||end flashback||

"Why didn't you call me right away?" Mrs.Jensen asked "I didn't want you to worry" Clay responded we all sat down together at the table I sat next to Justin and Mrs.Jensen

"well we're worried" she replied "Clay Justin said you were brought in last week too" Mr.Jensen said "it was just random they were talking to a lot of kids" he answered his dad

"so why would you agree to talk to them again without a lawyer when they clearly think you had something to do with this" Lainie said worried "because I don't have anything to do with it" he said back

"we're getting you a lawyer" she said "Clay didn't do any" Justin started but got cut off "okay let's just... let's take a minute" Matt spoke trying to keep this peace "he had a gun in his hand Matt!" Lainie shouted "yeah that was nothing" Clay said

"nothing? A gun is nothing? Where did you get it? Where is it now Clay what the fuck were you thinking" She asked frantically "it doesn't matter okay I was upset and I borrowed the gun from a friend and gave it back" Clay raised his voice upset "what friend?" She asked more calmly

"Justin Kensley do you know?" She asked us looking at us "leave them out of this" Clay shouted to his mom "Clay I don't understand what's going on here" She said calmly

"I didn't do anything" Clay shouted "but the police think that you did" Lainie shouted back "yeah but I didn't!" Clay shouted back even louder "you know as well as I do the court system is not perfect and that innocence is not a perfect defense" Lainie shouted I sit back in my chair crossing my arms over my stomach staring at the middle of the table Listing to the two bicker 

"you don't believe me? You think I did something! I don't fucking believe this!" Clay yelled slamming his hands down on the table and stand up "okay hey let's just take a breath" Matt shouted to the two "dad you believe me right?"Clay asked frantically "if course I do" he replied

"Clay we will take care of this we will move heaven and earth to keep you safe but you need to tell us everything no more lies" Lainie calmly spoke "I never lie!" Clay yelled "you withheld" Lainie said

"you think... I could kill someone?" Clay asked hearing the words flow out of his mouth made me terribly sick to my stomach

"it doesn't matter what I think" Lainie said shaking her head "yes it does!" Clay yelled on the verge of tears it was silent for a few moments until I heard Clay walk away walking out the back door and slamming it on the way out

Word count: 1269

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