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I quickly bolt out my door heading towards the school running a fast as I can once I got there the football boys were all walking out the door i look around looking for him once I spot him I make my way over to him he was talking to Charlie "Monty" I shout his head along with a few other curious ones turn to me

"what are you doing here?" I hear Zach ask from behind "why do you need Monty?" Justin ask me I ignored them and grabbed Montys collar so he would look at me "I need you right now" I say "what?" He asked confused I can understand why me and Monty only started hooking up when me and Zach split

"kensley why the fuck are you with him?" I hear my brother Justin say I ignore him looking at Monty "kens what are you doing?" Zach asked he grabbed my arm and made me look at him which made Monty instantly step in front of me

"don't fucking touch her" Monty said shoving Zach back "what the fuck?" Zach questioned as Monty put an arm around my shoulder and we walked off together towards his car

"dude the guy you sent me too only had coke and I almost fucking died" I say laughing Monty however didnt laugh

"Jesus kens" Monty said I look over at him "dude don't do that you're acting like Zach" I say leaning back In the chair

"do you wanna get high?" I ask pulling out a blunt "one thing though you can't tell Justin or Clay that I'm doing drugs again they will like totally flip their shit" I say as I light the blunt "they will like send me away are some shit" I say taking a quick hit and passing it to him

"like I talk to Clay plus you're brother is using too" Monty said i look over at him "what?" I ask shocked as we pass the blunt back in forth "yeah saw in the locker room hiding a stash" Monty said

"oh my god" I say "can we go to the liquor store?" I ask not even a second later he's putting the car in drive and heading that way

When we got there Monty ran in and quickly came back out with some and I instantly opened the vodka and started drinking it out of the bottle

"woah kens slow down" he said worried I shake my head lighting another blunt after 20 minutes I was severely drunk and extremely high

"Monty" I say looking over to him he was already looking at me "why'd you let him do it?" I ask he gave me a confused look

"let who do what?" He asked "Bryce at the clubhouse" I say he shifted uncomfortably in his seat

"I didn't have a choice really" he said I nod "right popularity is more important than an unconscious girl getting raped" i scoff and take another drink of alcohol

"that's not what I meant" he said defensively "then what did you mean?" I ask he went silent fiddling with his jacket "that's what I thought" I say we sat in silence drink for a while until he put the car in drive

"where we going?" I slur "I'm taking you home" he said I roll my eyes "okay" I say resting my head on the window

Word count:564

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