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"Both hands, huh?" Experimentally, you entwined your hands with Obito's larger ones that squeezed yours in excitement.

He loved affection.

Kakashi nodded patiently, feeling as if he was training a puppy. He waited until you completely entangled your smaller fingers into his larger one till he finally did the same with his own.

"How does it feel?" Obito spoke, happily running his thumb on the back of your hand.

Instead of answering as the man hoped, you just swung both arms back and forth and fidgeted a lot with them. After a little, you hummed. "Different."

"But good different?!"

You nodded with a small smile, peering up at the expecting Uchiha. "Yea." He grinned largely, bending down to your height to receive a kiss. Doing just that, you gave the raven-haired man a peck to the lips.

Removing your hands from both of your now boyfriend's own to move to the large bed, you didn't end up getting very far and instead was suddenly pulled into Kakashi's arms.

His arms wrapped themselves around you in the front while your back was up against his chest. He pulled his mask down, warranting a flush from both you and Obito. "Where's my kiss?" He pouted. "I think I deserve one too, don't you?"

You nodded fervently, turning around in his hold to give him the designated award.

Listen. Kakashi gives good kisses.

After you removed yourself, Obito swooped in and kissed Kakashi, much to your amusement. Sighing, you grabbed ahold of your backpack and made your way to Kakashi's car for the male to drop you off at your house. Hopping in the usual back seat, Obito decided to join you in the back this time and the two of you screamed to the songs on the radio, much to the masked male's dismay.

"But now..." You started.

"THERE'S NOWHERE TO HIDE!" Obito yelled, voice cracking horrendously. A snort left your being, now joining in on the horrible singing. "SINCE YOU PUSHED MY LOVE ASIDE!"

All Kakashi could do was shake his head like usual, occasionally sneaking glances at his two loves through the rear-view mirror. To the beat of the song he knew, his fingers tapped along on the steering wheel.

Rather quickly, you found yourself at your house, much to the two males' disappointment. Kissing the two goodbyes, you pranced into your front doors. The smell of dinner hit your nose, your stomach grumbling immediately.

"I'm home, ma." You greeted, kissing Azami to the cheek.

She returned the favor, putting out a plate of (F/F) on the table. "Welcome home, darling. Did you have fun at your boyfriend's house?"

You smiled with a nod, munching down on the food your mother made who sat across from you and dug in herself.

That day when you decided to date the two boys, you made sure to tell your mother everything. While she was confused and didn't quite understand how a polynomial relationship worked, as well as being quite worried about scenarios that she thought of, the woman was supportive nonetheless. This proved she trusted your decisions. And not only that, if these two boys made you a more cheery person, who was she to not accept this blessing?

She smiled sweetly. "I'm glad. You seem so much happier with them in your life."

You flushed, shoveling food down your throat to avoid talking about cheesy romantic things. The (H/C)-haired mother chuckled fondly.

"How has therapy been with Minato?" She brought up suddenly.

You shrugged. "Good. I'm surprisingly very comfortable around Mr.Namikaze despite only knowing him for a few weeks. He just has this warming and very fatherly... feeling to him." Your eyes softened as you talked about the grown adult that you rather quickly were beginning to see as a father figure in your fatherless life.

Azami herself noticed this fact and grinned.

"Actually, he even suggested we can have therapy sessions outside of school. I'm not entirely sure if I'm comfortable with that yet, especially because it is at his house, but I do wanna go for sure. I don't like missing my classes. How else am I going to graduate and have an amazing life I built for myself?"

Eating the last bite of (F/F), you washed the used utensils and headed upstairs after finishing the conversation with Azami.

Flopping down on the bed, you made quick work to FaceTime your best friend as you played games like usual.

Shisui's face popped up onto your screen with his usual grin. "Hey! How's my favorite girl doing?"

His words made your lips twitch upwards as your thumbs moved across your controller expertly. "Aww, shucks, am I really your favorite? You know just how to flatter me, Uchiha."

He hummed happily, chowing down on chips.

"How have you been feeling?" Shisui asked.

"Honestly, better. Mr.Namikaze has been helping quite a bit. I was talking about this earlier with my mom actually, but, he recently invited me to have therapy sessions inside his house but I'm still debating about that. I would feel as if I'm intruding, but I also want to go so I don't have to miss my classes."

Shisui hummed. "Well, if he offered and you want to do it... Why not try it out? If you end up disliking it, then go back to going during classes."

"That. That right there is an amazing idea." You offered the male a bright smile and thumbs up. "And you? How have you been feeling? I miss you, you need to come back!"

For the past few weeks, Shisui had been away from school. While it was mainly due to the fact that his family, the Uchiha's, were currently training him to become the heir to the company, the male himself had been sick as of late. Though it's not like he's missing school was a problem. Shisui surpassed high school education already— even college. He was only there for "fun", as he and his family called it.

Obito is a different story, of course, as their intelligence levels don't necessarily... match up.

The raven-haired male shrugged his shoulders. "Could be better. Medicine has been helping, so that's a plus-" He paused in the middle of his speech when his room door opened and another person on the other end spoke to your best friend. "Oh, I got to go now, little mouse. We'll talk soon, I promise. Stay safe, love you, bye." He gave his lovely dimple smile before hanging up.

Afterward, you made sure to send a text to the blonde principal, courtesy of your mother for his number, letting him know you were okay with therapy sessions. He seemed rather thrilled you accepted his invitation, briefly mentioning that his child would be home as well and that his wife was excited to meet you.

No matter. From the pictures you've seen, the little boy and his mother seemed like an absolute joy.

You were excited to meet the two the next day.

𝐫𝐮𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐬 ; u. obito & h. kakashi Where stories live. Discover now