𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥

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It was the weekend, sun up and covered by non-threatening clouds. There was a light breeze flowing around, making anybody shiver if not covered enough. Though, this didn't bother Obito on his journey one bit.

As of recent, his little crush began to grow into more than that. Rin was all forgotten about; she was just there in his mind now.

Obito knew when he had a crush, it quickly evolves into more than that in just a short amount of time. Which is what had happened with you.

He had grown a crush on you, and it became love.

But compared to the love he felt with Rin, this one was stronger.

More wanting and needing.

More obsessive.

Obito wasn't sure if these obsessive feelings were normal, but since he was just a fool in love, he went with it. Besides,

So what if he snapped photos of you without your knowledge?

So what if he began to steal little things from you?

So what if he purposely walked by your house to hopefully catch a glimpse of you through the open windows?

It seemed okay to him. There's nothing wrong with this.

Obito is a nice guy, he would never want to creep you out.

He scrolled through his hidden gallery on the phone, admiring your features with a smile as he continued his journey to his friend's house.

What he wouldn't give to just take you away.

His thumb slid across the screen, commenting to himself about how adorable you looked in some pictures, or how he wanted to kiss those plump lips of yours. Now he's glad he's in photography, as the pictures look rather nice.


Without bothering to knock, he entered his friend's house. His phone tucked itself into his back pocket, striding upstairs and into the white-haired males room.

"You could have knocked." Kakashi pointed out, though honestly not caring that his friend barged in. He was used to it, sadly. Sometimes he would come home to find Obito just chilling in the living room or eating in his kitchen. Why did he think it was a good idea to give him a key?

"It's okay, you're used to it."

Kakashi gave a stressed sigh. "I know."

Obito sat in his respected corner, which had a bean bag with his ass impressions on it from how often he used it. Kakashi sat on his bed, reading the familiar erotic book by his favorite author, Jiraiya.

"Why'd you come by anyway? Was there something you needed? Homework?"

"Uh, no," Obito trailed off, not sure if he wants to tell his best friend the original purpose he came to his house for. What if Kakashi rats him out? Or stops talking to him because he finds him creepy?

Maybe he has gone a bit far...

Kakashi picked up his friend's nervous behavior easily with his hawk-like eyes. Closing his book, he dragged a bean bag to sit across from his friend.

𝐫𝐮𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐬 ; u. obito & h. kakashi Where stories live. Discover now