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When you walked through the doors to school two days after the incident, you were immediately bombarded with questions by multiple people. Whether complete strangers, acquaintances, or passing teachers, it was odd how many people were aware of the absent dates.

Just how popular were you?

"There you are, (Y/n)!" A shout came from behind you. Turning around, your arms wrapped around the body that flung itself into yours so you wouldn't fall. "Where have you been? How come you haven't answered any of our texts... I was super worried!"

Obito and Kakashi trailed behind, you noticed, despite the long-distance that separated you all. It seemed Rin sprinted her way to you after catching sight.

Rin puffed out her cheeks before it melted into a warming, softer smile. "How are you feeling?" Her small hands hugged your back, you returning the favor gladly.

You really missed Rin's warm hugs.

"I-I..." an all too familiar nervousness crept up. Speaking up about true, deeper emotional feelings is harder than it seemed.

You took in a deep inhale and exhale about to respond.

"...I gotta go." Immediately you ripped yourself away from Rin, who was a tad upset by the action. Did she push a button by asking such a question? How come you ran off?

Right when you saw Obito and Kakashi near, you booked it. Who cares if you were being obvious about avoiding the raven-haired Uchiha? He knew you were pissed with him for what he had said and done. So, Tobi should suck it up and apologize if he wanted things to go back to normal.

You did feel a bit bad that you had to avoid Kakashi as well. If Kakashi was walking by himself you would have pulled him into a tight hug, apologizing about the ghosting. You did ignore all the text messages from those you cherished, after all.

Except for Shisui. He knew you too well and you'd feel even worse if you ignored your childhood bestie. Plus, he's easy to open up to.

≪ °✾° ≫

Math was terribly uncomfortable. You and Obito refused to talk with one another, didn't share a single glance, and sat as far away as possible from one another while still staying at your assigned table.

Your teacher quickly noticed this, but did not comment on it. Just some teenage drama, he had summed up. Maybe a breakup?

Your pen tapped against your temple impatiently. Lunch was upcoming and you just wanted to try talking with Mr.Namikaze. Shisui, of course, knew of all these plans and offered to walk with you, though you declined as it was unneeded.

Can this go any slower? Geez.

A tap on your shoulder caught your attention. Knowing who it was from, you ignored it till the tapping continued to make its return. Finally caving in, you glanced at the nervous raven-haired male who shrunk under your gaze.

"(Y/n)?" Obito whispered, fiddling with his fingers underneath the desk. "U-Uh, sorry about before."

You waited a few seconds. Thirty seconds. A minute. Two.

Was that all to his apology? Just a simple "I'm sorry" as if that would just make up for it? How easy does Obito think you are?

Angrily, you huffed, packing your belongings at rapid speed once the bell rang and sprinted out of there, leaving the male stranded.

𝐫𝐮𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐬 ; u. obito & h. kakashi Where stories live. Discover now