𝐦𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐞 𝐢𝐦 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮

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Kakashi missed you dearly. You were mostly all that plagued his mind. Of course, he and Obito knew exactly what you've been up to.

What kind of future boyfriends would they be if they didn't?

His hands made quick work to finish the in-class work for forensics class. The same one where he continued to learn and hone his skills better. If this class couldn't be easier, the unit was now onto blood splatter, something Kakashi, like always, knew exceptionally well.

Sadly, you had yet to show up to the shared class. It was one of the rare times they were able to move around, and luckily, he managed to save you a seat beside him. The last time he saw you were earlier this morning, though you had run off and didn't show up to their lunch table. Not that it was unexpected, since you were avoiding his jealous boyfriend, but the silver-haired male was just a tad upset.

...Alright, let's be honest.

He is very sad he hasn't been able to chat with you. To hold you. To gently kiss your cheek which would result in a cute blush.

Lost in his thoughts, he sighed endearingly. The softness in his eyes increased the deeper he went into the never-ending cycle of pondering.

It's safe to say he would do anything to just be beside you. By god, if you ever did show up and would chat with him, the masked male would be over the moon.

A body sat down beside him unexpectedly.

When he turned his head to shoo one of his fangirls off for the millionth time, he stopped after noticing you were already beginning the assignments you missed.

Just when did you sneak in? Was Kakashi that disoriented that he didn't even notice one of the love of his life's make her grand entrance?

"Hey, Kashi..." you had sheepishly greeted with a light tint of pink to your cheeks. Instantly his heart picked up its pace. "I missed you."

He sighed dreamily, scooting his chair as close as possible to yours before snuggling himself close. A surprised squeal left your lips, but you had complied to snuggling up to him.

"I missed you more." Kakashi breathed out, wrapping one hand around your waist. If they weren't in class, the male was sure he'd be crushing you in his embrace. You should always be there regardless.

With a quick observation of the room, Kakashi removed your gaze from your assignment with his middle and pointer finger that caught themselves under your chin. His mask was pulled down, and it was obvious there was some effect from it. Just based on how your lips lightly parted and your eyes wandered around it, greedily taking the sight in. Though that didn't last long as he quickly placed a kiss on your lips, blocking the scene with his erotic book.

His teeth quickly nipped at your lip, drawing out a shocked noise from your part.

It was supposed to be a quick peck, yes. But you deserved at least just a very tiny punishment for ignoring him like that. Next time it won't be so tiny.

Kakashi's mask was up within the next second, the book no longer blocking the view. You had a cute pout to your lips, the bottom one being redder due to his little nip towards it.

'She's so precious,' he had thought when you just tried to get back at him. 'Absolutely precious.'

"That hurt, meanie..." you whined, much to Kakashi's pleasure. He really loved when you felt things caused by him. It doesn't matter what, he loved it, even if he did feel bad from time to time.

The dog-loving male shrugged nonchalantly, running his thumb absentmindedly on your waist. "That's what you get for avoiding me too." You scoffed lightly at that, writing the answers at a faster pace due to your rising annoyance.

"Do you know how much I thought of you? How worried I was? I really missed you, (Y/n)..." He watched as you froze up from his little confession, and then deflated like a balloon against the desk with a sigh.

You peered up at him, eyes glistening with your eyebrows furrowed and small purse to your lips he loved to kiss. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to worry you that much. Just that stuff happened after I left and I'm still um, upset with... yea..." His hand that was at your waist went up to the side of your head as he gingerly pats it when you laid it on his shoulder. Oh, how he missed holding you.

"But, I actually thought of you a lot too." Kakashi could practically feel all the little butterflies that were previously cocoons hatch and fly around in his stomach.

You thought of him—

So you didn't totally just drop him.

But how come the fucker Shisui got to know everything that happened the night you left his house alone and had more privileges than him? I mean, of course, he knew what happened, Obito is the one who literally chased you. But it was the thought that counts, right?

"I love you." He said, staring right down at you. When you jumped, he just smiled gently, sending a reassuring pat.

You grumbled a bit embarrassingly, suddenly becoming aggressively shy like you normally did when under highly flustering scenarios, something Kakashi already took note of months before.

"I l-love you too, wet dog man..."

Kakashi wishes he could just take you right then and there.

But instead, he held himself back and changed topics immediately. "If you love me will you try to make up with Obito?"

And then you moved away from his side. The warmth your body cascaded onto him disappeared and he suddenly felt strangely frozen without the touch. So, he pulled you back into his side with a little whine.

"Don't go, I'm cold..." his eyes creased a bit. You didn't give a response back to him. The male sighed, rubbing your arm soothingly.

Dropping his head down to be leveled to your ear, he knew the words he planned on asking would affect you. Kakashi knew you very well, better than you almost seemed to know yourself. Stuff like the unconscious moves or actions you do in certain situations, little things like the small tug of your lips, or the avoiding of eye contact when you'd lie.

"Will you at least consider my request, baby?"

The keyword that always managed to make you feel some type of way. The one Kakashi knew would work on you. Especially when it came from his naturally smooth-talking mouth.

He grinned wildly at the rosy hue that formed across your cute cheeks he loved to softly caress.

"I– o-okay..." you had stuttered out, submitting easily.

Kakashi's hand pat your cheek in a fond way. "That's my good girl."

Um so yes I did make a song reference with the title I love u if you caught it(:


𝐫𝐮𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐬 ; u. obito & h. kakashi Where stories live. Discover now