𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞(𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐤)

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Kakashi was greatly pleased with himself.

Patience leads to good rewards. And that reward was you.

The silver-haired male knew he had you in his grasp. Hook, line, and sinker.

The way you'd stare at him when you thought he wasn't looking, the little glances towards his hand that yearned to be Interlocked with yours just as much as you craved it, and the overall subtle different experience to how you treated him.

Kakashi could tell you fell for him.

He was a bit surprised It took this long. How long has it been since he had met you? God, it felt like forever. In reality, only about three months past.

How much more time will it take until he can fully control you though? He wonders.

After school had flown by, he made sure to tell Obito the details of everything and what would be happening. The raven-haired male understood but didn't take it well, as he was just a bit jealous.

For Kakashi to have a perfect date (in his mind) with you, he made sure to spoil Obito with pre-affection before deciding to get ready.

Obito acted as his "yay" or "nay" guy in terms of clothing. The first few bunches of outfits he pulled out were either too "plain", "dressy", or "trying too hard." Thankfully, the last one was something more simple yet still fashionable.

In Kakashi's eyes and thankfully Obito's as well.

A white turtle neck that was able to reach under his chin with some dark green pants, topped off with white shoes was the way to go. Especially since fall was still present and it was chilly. Winter was around the corner after all.

Of course, he sprayed his signature cologne that he caught you sneaking in whiffs of, knowing it was something that you loved.

With a kiss goodbye to Obito, he drove off to pick you up with a happy tune being hummed from his lips.

Oh, how much he wanted to just feel you close to him. Your touch on him, his to you, your lips traveling all over his body. He especially just wanted to slam himself deep into you, making you cry out. Photos and clothing can only do so much for a horny man.

Kakashi was beating himself up from holding himself back, it was pure, absolute torture to not go along with any of his impulses. Especially refraining from acting on anybody's demise that was a threat to his, Obito's, and your relationship.

Fuck. Especially that motherfucker Shisui that entered the picture just recently. Kakashi really just wants to decapitate that man's head, hanging it up to show it off like a prize to you, signaling that he and Obito were all you needed.

As horrible as it sounded, it was the truth.

Kakashi is a sick fuck, he knows this already. His thoughts were far from normal.

They're dark, gory, cunning, and dirty.

From a simple death wish to a full-on detailed and gruesome explanation of what he wished to personally inflict on the victim.

He immediately snapped out of his thoughts when his car door opened and you hopped into his car with a greeting and smile, your light perfume intermingling with his cologne.

"You look adorable as always, (Y/n)," he smiled, heading off to the destined location. "Especially since we're matching." His smile grew when he noticed your cheeks heat up slightly.

𝐫𝐮𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐬 ; u. obito & h. kakashi Where stories live. Discover now