𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐬 𝐬𝐮𝐬

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"Don't be suspicious, don't be suspicious..." Obito muttered, trailing behind Kakashi through the vast area full of people. "Don't be suspicious, don't be suspicious," he began to sing, quoting his favorite audio as of current. Kakashi slapped him upside the head to shut him up.

Instead, instead of staying low, Obito had garnered attention by his singing and the brute action that followed. Kakashi easily charmed those that witnessed the action with a simple apology and short bow, forcing Obito to follow along as well.

After everyone went along with their day, Kakashi grasped Obito's arm, dragging him into a dark lonely ally that was only filled with bugs, and possibly drug dealers if you came back during the night time.

"Woah there Kakashi. I know you said you wouldn't be gentle with me but are we seriously going to bang in this alleyway? I would have thought our first time would be romantic—" Obito began to blabber on about how he wanted what he deemed to be a "perfect date."

First, he would be picked up in a limo that had free drinks and snacks that he was able to eat to his heart's content, then they would stop at a pet store so he can hold a bunch of animals and play around with them, annoying the workers because he doesn't plan on buying any new babies to take home. Afterward, Obito would be taken to his favorite place to eat. Which was a small, local restaurant he's been going to since he was a child that served Inarizushi, which was also his favorite food.

Then they can bang afterward or whatever.

"Obito I don't care about what you want for a date, me taking you out on a date is a luxury in itself." Kakashi fired back, taking a peek out of the alley to catch a glimpse of you and Shisui sitting on a bench chatting. "Now, if we do go on a date— why are you looking at me like that?"

Obito sneered like a spoiled brat, (mostly because he is a brat) sending a mixed look of disgust and a fat load of frustration.

He wants that date.

"Stop your bitching and let's go. They're walking." Before Obito could snap back, Kakashi had dragged him back into the open space, blending in easily with the crowd of people. Their hands linked together, picking up the pace to follow behind the unsuspecting duo.

They both glared daggers into the back of the grinning male's head. Their hatred for Shisui grew more and more by the second, just like the heat of the sun if one were to get closer and closer to it. Their feelings happened to amplify more when Shisui smoothly ran a thumb on the corner of your lips, possibly to get rid of something, and licked it teasingly, causing you to turn a deep red and smack his arm that was wrapped around your shoulder.


"On it." He responded, not even needing to be asked what to do. The male knew he had to intervene. Even if Kakashi didn't command it, he would have done so anyway.

Pulling up his plain black hoodie to conceal some part of him, he threw on shades and a face mask to get rid of the obvious indications of who he is. Because who else has a huge scar on half of their face?

Thank god there were many people close by and compacted together, because when Obito reached the duo he and his boyfriend were stalking, his shoulder slammed harshly into his cousins, causing Shisui to stumble and almost fall face-first onto the hard concrete below him.

Upset that Shisui did not, indeed, fall face-first onto the ground as he hoped, Obito placed his foot in front of his feet, allowing him to tumble to the ground.

Angered shouts from his female love became more distant as he quickly ran off with the helpful use of his long legs, twisting and turning in many directions before coming to a stop when he was way out of sight.

Obito grinned a wild one, imagining all the bad luck he and Kakashi would cause upon the man they deem a nuisance. Someone better off forgotten.

Someone better off dead.

The dinging of Tobi's phone took him out of his insane thoughts, already knowing who it would be. Taking off his disguise, they all were stuffed into the pockets of his hoodie before he went to check out his phone.

A text from Kakashi asking about his location. The scarred faced boy glanced around to check the area he was at before sending his boyfriend a response back.

"Obito, you did well. He fell pretty hard and landed a bloody nose and some more scrapes on his body." Kakashi came sauntering up towards him after about seven minutes, a glint of mischief present in his coal-black orbs. Obito could also detect a hint of proudness directed towards himself as well, making the raven-haired male feel good about the job he has done. "Although that was also not as efficient because (Y/n) was taking care of his wounds from the fall."

Obito sneered. "If you're gonna compliment me on a job well done, do it after you put me down so I can feel good about myself." Striding beside Kakashi, Obito placed his hands behind his head, staring up at the bright sky as he trusted his closest friend to guide him when he wasn't paying attention to the streets in front of him.

The masked male's hand took hold of one of Obito's hand, boldly interlocking it with his for all those to see, causing the unsuspecting man to jump slightly and flush a rosy pink. Normally he's the one initiating and embarrassing Kakashi, so this was unexpected.

"Any suggestions for the next steps?" The more relaxed one of the duo questioned. Though he's the mastermind behind everything, Obito still had some decent ideas.

Kakashi chuckled at the nervous blush that coated his boyfriend's face, earning an irritated shout. It was more-so out of embarrassment if we're being honest.

"I dunno. Maybe make the notes more aggressive or creepy? The badly scarred boy shrugged, finally able to overcome some of the previous bashfulness.

"We also need to get the fucker away from her too. Can't we just take care of him?" Obito added, squeezing the hand he held tightly with aggravation like a snake would with its struggling prey.

Not minding his hand being abused, Kakashi gently rubbed his thumb over the back of his boyfriend's hand to offer silenced mutual agreement and an ounce of comfort.

"Believe me I want that just as much as you do," Kakashi started, passing by a cute knickknack store he immediately thought you and Obito would enjoy going into another day. "But it'd be suspicious—"

Kakashi was cut off with a, "Don't be suspicious, don't be sus—" before he lightly bonked Obito's head to make him shut up.

"As I was saying..." The silver-haired man cleared his throat, dodging the raven-haired male's attempts at getting a single hit in. "We can't just go about it like that. Shisui is a smart and strong guy. It'd be hard and even more questionable to be alone with him. (Y/n) is an intelligent girl as well. She could easily put two and two together, so don't rush it. I get you're impatient but remember, we have to deal with that other guy as well."

Kakashi smirked under his mask, Obito following suit at the mention of the bastard that tried to assault you.

"Besides, I believe she's already falling for one of us. Slowly but surely, Obito,"

"Slowly but surely."



If I end up in jail y'all know what up already, don't got to explain it😼😼

𝐫𝐮𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐬 ; u. obito & h. kakashi Where stories live. Discover now