1𝐬𝐭 𝐝𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐞

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⚠️Descriptive(sorta, not really)Murder!!! BUT MURDER NONETHELESS!!!⚠️

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Out in almost the middle of nowhere, with thick trees and an ongoing forest, two men sat at a far distance of a house that rested around this nature-filled area. 

"You got all the stuff, Obito?" Kakashi whispered, trained eyes able to see through the dark of the night.

Obito nodded, all geared up in the needed clothing and materials to commit the perfect crime, as Kakashi called it. The intelligent male knew exactly what he was doing, and just how to go about it. So with that in mind, he signaled Obito to follow behind.

Quietly and discreetly, the masked-covered male effortlessly snuck into the house as if he has done it thousands of times.

Well, he did have experience after all.

In both committing perfect felony's and breaking into places. Same with Obito, who was his, as people call it, "partner in crime."

Shouting was heard from downstairs the small house. With a quiet signal, they descended the flight of stairs, peeking to see the commotion of their victim, the fucktard, Komicha Hizuah himself, spouting bullshit to whoever was unfortunately on the other end.

"I fucking told you it was that bitch! I didn't do jack shit!" The brown-haired male growled, angrily hanging up on the caller before throwing it at a faraway wall with a loud 'thud.'

"Dumb whore, getting me kicked out of school... Losing my chances at getting into a university..." The man sat down on a lounge chair, maximizing the volume of the football game that played on the large screen television.

Both of the stalking males growled, hands twitching to just slit the man's throat and watch as he gurgled on his blood.

"Dumbass," Kakashi muttered, pulling out the necessary tools needed before making his way to the unsuspecting male.

Nodding Obito's way, Obito quickly shoved a chloroform filled towel into the man's face who immediately struggled in his chair, though was easily held down by the other occupant, making sure to not leave marks.

When the man knocked out, Obito tucked the napkin back into its spot in his little handy dandy Fanny pack filled with weapons.

"We got to make this quick," Kakashi said, helping his partner pick up the man to drag him out deep into the forest where a deep lake resided.

Obito pouted like a child as if he wasn't just about to murder this man.

"But I want to drain his blood, cut him up into pieces, and feed the remains to the cute wolf family we saw!"

Kakashi snorted, nodding alongside him. "Maybe we can have a little change of plans." Obito cheered. "As long as you follow along quickly and efficiently, we can't afford a single mistake. Got it?"

The Uchiha nodded. "I know, I know. This isn't my first time doing this with you, ya know?" He muttered.

As stated, they both have experienced the art of murder, it was nothing new to them. It's not like they just go around killing anybody for fun, they just do it to those who they believe deserved it.

The two have always been sick in the head, it just seemed to intensify after they met with you.

Plus, even if somebody did find out, it would just be covered up. With Obito's whole family being wealthy and powerful, and Kakashi's father as the chief of police, the most respected man there is, they are the perfect duo.

𝐫𝐮𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐬 ; u. obito & h. kakashi Where stories live. Discover now