𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬

863 43 37

Was Obito pissed?


It's been a whole week.

A week without Interaction. A week of awkward tension. A week without your smile and weird (but unique) laugh.

Obito felt as if he was deprived of water without you around in his daily life.

Dramatic much? Of course.

Tobi is the CEO of being dramatic after all!

"She still hasn't said anything?" Kakashi asked, trying to figure out where his two loves currently were.

In response to the question, Obito just shot an annoyed look at the masked male. "If she was talking to me don't you think I wouldn't be acting like this?" He snapped back.

Kakashi, the man in the middle, put his hands up in defense of the hostility.

He did nothing wrong, take your anger out on somebody else!

With a sweat drop, Kakashi pat Obito's back and headed off to his class of the day.

While Obito, the male who could care less about being on time, wandered the slowly decreasing halls. The heaters warmed said area due to the official arrival of winter. Though the snow had yet to fall, the season of white flakes was upon all. Some disliked it, others enjoyed it, and the remaining party was iffy.

The male himself was elated with the snow, it had always been his favorite season. Just the thought of it ceased some of his anger.

From the winter activities like childish snowball fights and building a snowman, to the less kid-like ones. Cuddling up in blankets while watching movies and drinking hot chocolate, spending time with the ones he appreciated the most... Plus you can't forget about potential snow days!

Winter was, in his opinion, the best.

"I wanna cuddle..." Tobi whined out to himself, the vacant hallway ears picking up on it.

If only you would stop being obstinate and just forgive him already! Yea, his first apology wasn't the best, but that was because he was still upset with you at the time and Kakashi had forced him to apologize. Now, he desperately did want things to go return normal. With the constant shits and giggles, sharing one brain cell energy, and the more calm times between you both, Obito just missed everything.

He's very tired and distressed emotionally from this little squabble.

Checking the time, he sighed exhaustingly, trudging towards his first hour he was rather late for.

≪ °✾° ≫

Throw that tired and distressed shit out the window right now!

That usual anger came back in a quick instant, fuck that emotional crap from earlier!

Sitting at a different table than normal, more bodies of people surrounded him than the usual two— well three, but you weren't sitting at the table as of late for obvious reasons. Now, he was surrounded by an extra 5 bodies, 6 if you count Obito himself.

Kakashi sat on Tobi's right and Rin sat on the masked male's right, resulting in Kakashi being stuck in the middle of the two. Then, in front of them was a very loud male with a bowl cut, and one of the most well-known couples throughout the school. Kurenai and Asuma.

Obito could give less of a fuck about them. In fact, he didn't even care for these people, especially Gai. The Uchiha is known to hold grudges for a long time, and although many years have passed since early middle school days, Tobi still cannot find himself to forgive Gai for the way he treated him.

𝐫𝐮𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐬 ; u. obito & h. kakashi Where stories live. Discover now