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The ringing of a familiar song burst through the quiet room. Wrapping a towel around your body, you exited the bathroom to your phone where it sat on your bed, being charged.

"Baby we two distant strangers
I know you don't speak my language
But I love the way she's talking to me
I can hear it callin'
From where you are
Loving the way you wanna talk
Touch me tease m—"

Unplugging the phone, you held it up by your shoulder while you went through your drawers for undergarments.


"(Y/n)! Finally, geez! I've been calling for like the past uhhh, psst how long has it been Kakashi?"

You let out a giggle when they got into an argument before Obito returned his attention back to you.

"Oh— uhh, the past three minutes!"

"Sorry. I just got out of the shower. What did you need me for?"

"So you can hang out with us, of course!"

Well, there goes your plans to binge-watch (show) and eat snacks.

"Sounds good! Where are we meeting up at?"

Moving towards your closet you picked out a black bodysuit with short overalls to go over it.

"We can just pick you up. Kakashi has his license so we be good! Send your address?"

"Okay, rad! I'll text you when I'm ready, see you two soon, byeeee!"

It hasn't been very long since you met the duo. Maybe about a week? Anyways, within that time you all became a little trio, always out and about. For some reason, Rin was never invited, which you felt rather guilty about. Leaving people out is not the move. But then again, you aren't the one who Initiates the hangouts. So therefore it's not your place to go and Invite another party, who you are guessing is "unwanted" in this case.

There were some, things, as well. You knew Obito to be rather clingy as he constantly texted and tried to be around you for as long as possible when a few days passed since you met him. It was kinda weird, not in a bad way, but more-so you weren't used to it. You also found out he's rather big on touching. Things like always grabbing your hand when leading you someplace, or walking/sitting closer than the norm. That being said, you didn't mind it all that much. Sure, he didn't ask, but Obito is just... adorable when he's blushing. Who are you to deny his cute face?

And with Kakashi, he was just a tad different. Nothing as different as Obito, but still he as well would sometimes try to hold onto you. He was gentle and considerate about everything, asking for permission all the time. During the times you and he worked on forensics, he would scoot in closer to your side more than what was necessary. Maybe he's unaware of it, who knows?

Really, there wasn't ever a problem with the two though. They were always really kind and put up with your wishes.

Rushing downstairs after receiving the text that they've arrived, you looked around for your mother before waving her off. "Bye, I'm going out with Obito and Kakashi! I'll text you later, love you!"

Waving your arm at the two in your driveway, you hopped into the backseat as Kakashi drove off after greeting you. Obito turned around in his chair to face you with a smile, the music playing put on low.

𝐫𝐮𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐬 ; u. obito & h. kakashi Where stories live. Discover now