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Obito and Kakashi peered over either side of your shoulder, staring down at the new note of the morning.

"Watch your back."

Chills ran up and down your spine, instinctively glancing behind you for anything out of the ordinary.

"What's that supposed to even mean?" Obito pondered aloud, receiving a quick slap to the arm by Kakashi.


The ebony-haired male sneered at his boyfriend before turning his attention back to your unnaturally silent form. A weight pressed itself around your shoulders, effectively being pulled into somebody's side.

"We'll protect you, don't worry 'bout it so much! Just stick by us and you'll be okay," closing your locker, all three of you proceeded to walk down the halls, missing the looks your two friends sent one another.

"I dunno, I feel bad you guys have to babysit me."

Kakashi sighed, knocking his fist lightly atop your head, a glare being directed his way from the action. "How many times do we have to tell you we don't mind it? Geez..."

Slumping down a bit from Kakashi's words, Obito rubbed your shoulder, being sure to place a kiss to your temple, much to your embarrassment.

So many people just saw that, I—

Flushing a rosy tone, you shoved the arm off and ran off like a middle school girl would when Interacting with her crush, hearing the familiar loud laughter of Obito as you scrambled off.

≪ °✾° ≫


Poke, poke.



"Are you upset?"


Ignoring the whispering Uchiha that had been poking the side of your face for the past few minutes behind the teachers back, you continued to write down the lesson being taught. Colorful pens and highlighters surrounded the notebook that was currently being written in, rather neatly and organized at that.

"Obito, what are you doing?" Hissing out the question under your breath, you warily glance at the teacher who somehow still didn't notice all the talking and actions your seat partner made.  "Give me my book, you can copy it later!"

He pouted, hiding the notebook in the deep abyss known as his backpack. Even after you had cleaned it out on the first day you met him - it quickly regained its original condition within two weeks. Of course, it was cleaned out once more, but no matter how many times the bag had been emptied, everything returned to the same state.

"Answer me thennnnn," the teen whined like a child, making sure to swat your hands away from his bag that attempted to be taken away.

"No I'm not upset, I'm just focused, now give me the book," grabbing ahold of his backpack, he allowed you to take back the notebook as the bell for lunch rang.

Great. I missed some notes...

Grumbling under your breath, you packed up your belongings, walking alongside Obito who chatted away. Hopefully, there was some way you could get the notes because everyone already knows the Uchiha doesn't bother to do those "dummy stoopid", as the male himself called it, synopsis's for the class. Or any.

How he managed to move forward in the years is beyond you.

"And so I was like 'how do you even share a kiss?' to him and—"

𝐫𝐮𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐬 ; u. obito & h. kakashi Where stories live. Discover now