𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐠𝐮𝐲

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The morning was no different from the others. Get ready, get picked up by Kakashi and Obito for school, maybe sometimes get a coffee or something for the early hours of the day, and head into the respected building that was responsible for ones learning.

Obito and Kakashi walked on either side of you, chatting away as you fervently responded to a text message with giddiness.

So there's this guy—

"Who are you texting that's making you smile so much, huh?" Obito plucked your phone out of your hands with an irritated pout. He didn't like your attention being focused on something that wasn't him or his boyfriend.

Let alone another guy.

Slapping the Uchiha's arm, you sneered in response, reaching out to grab the tiny mechanical device that was dubbed a "teens life."

He easily dodged, lifting his arm far up (as you couldn't reach due to the giant being 6'0 with long arms) while scrolling through the messages.

"Give me my phone back you ass! And stop going through my messages," growling in annoyance when he didn't listen, you snapped your head into the direction of the masked male who put his hands up in defense, silently stating he wasn't getting involved.

"Woah, (Y/n). You haven't even met this guy yet you're acting like you've known him forever!" Obito gawked, easily holding you back from charging towards him with the palm of his hand.

"Shut up, give me back my phone now, Obito!" Slapping his hand away, your foot made contact with the back of his knee, allowing him to buckle down to the ground.

You heard a snicker coming from Kakashi when his boyfriend made contact to the ground, a smirk curling upwards on your lips as you snatched your phone away.

"Ouchie! Did you have to be so rough with me? I'm a baby, you have to be gentle with me." Obito whined, easily catching up to the two he was crushing on.

Finally entering the school doors, you ignored the chatterbox of an ebony male, pissed off from the earlier events.

Who does he think he is, going through my messages?

And why does he have to act like he's my dad or something? Going through my phone and questioning my choices...

Ripping the poor locker open, you packed and unpacked your belongings, making sure to grab the note of the day that read as a simple compliment of your (H/C) hair. After that, you stormed off, much to the duos dismay.

Mostly Kakashi, as he didn't do a single thing wrong to upset you. The poor man is just on the receiving end of your wrath, just like anybody who would possibly cross paths with you.

Kakashi nudged Obito's side irritatingly, as he was the one at fault for pissing you off.

"What did you read anyway?" The masked male asked, glancing at his friend while looking through your locker.

The Uchiha's smile dropped at the thought, a frown taking over his lips while his eye twitched. Kakashi grabbed his hands to stop the clenching of his fists, making sure to grab the grip strengthener that Obito himself owned.

Obito is an overly jealous little bitch, so he tends to get riled up quite easily.

"The guy— that little shit. They haven't even met yet (Y/n) already trust him! She– she's acting as if nothing happened with that last guy and is suddenly back to normal. I don't like it, I don't like it, Kakashi. I want—"

His grip tightened on his little machine. He made sure to whisper while chatting with his boyfriend, though that didn't stop the slightly terrified looks from those that caught a glimpse of Obito's expression.

𝐫𝐮𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐬 ; u. obito & h. kakashi Where stories live. Discover now