𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐞𝐤

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"I can't believe I've never been to your house before after all this time I've known you." Kakashi opened the door to his house and walked up to his neat room after giving you a quick tour, where you and Obito trailed behind him.

Speaking of, you also have yet to see Obito's house.

You weren't sure if you ever wanted to see it, to be honest. Imagine how messy his room may be...

Shuddering at the thought, you dropped your backpack beside the full-sized bed, crawling to sit right by the owner of the mattress while Obito sat in his little corner playing games.

Kakashi just shrugged in response, gathering the homework he had to do, as you followed suit. First, you both started on the forensics assignment, as that was the class you two shared.

"Kashi, what's this one?"

"What's it say?" The male continued to power through the work with ease, not even needing to look up an answer or refer back to the notes.

"Uhhh... What is the probability of a person who is Type O blood and a person who is Type AB blood having a kid who is Type A Blood?"

Without any hesitation, he answered.


"Smartypants, stupid, show off..." Obito grumbled from his corner on the bean bag, annoyed from the school talk. They should be relaxing, not doing work!

Scooting closer to Kakashi, you peered down at his sheet of work, watching how he filled out the answers for his other class assignment with ease. How did he even finish the forensics one when you were barely halfway through?

"If you get any closer I may just have to kiss you." The male beside you boldly stated. It took a bit to register the fact that you were pushed completely up against his side.

Flushing a rosy hue, you removed yourself from being latched against him.

"No— come back," once more you found yourself being pressed up against the masked male, his warm hand now resting against your waist. "I like being close like this." He sent a sweet smile your way, though the lower half was blocked, sadly.

He looks cute smiling. Even though it's just his eyes, it's still really cute...

"Yea I'm sure you do— Obito I'll beat you if you were recording that."

Said male snickered, clicking his phone before returning his attention to you. "Better get the whip out then, 'cause I did!"

Grumbling curses towards the childish male, you snuggled up to Kakashi more, proceeding to grab your math notebook to copy the missed notes.

"Hmm?" A complexed sound left your lips when you opened up the said notebook, immediately knowing this was, in fact, not your notebook.

Oh, it's Tobi's book... It looks like a journal entry or something too.

Does he write his feelings down or something? Like a diary?

Grinning, you ventured into it, not finding much harm, as you wanted to find out if he ever talked about you in it. Nice thing was, it was organized, to an extent though. Each entry stated the feeling and/or emotion that was being written down.

𝐫𝐮𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐬 ; u. obito & h. kakashi Where stories live. Discover now