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"Do you really need to take classes? I can just teach you for free." Kakashi rebutted your idea. Walking down the school halls, Rin stayed on one side while Obito was on the other. Kakashi walked on Obito's side.

Swinging Rin's hand that was clasped with yours, you shook your head. "No, I don't want to keep depending on you and Obito. I'm going to take defense classes whether you like it or not."

"But we said we could train you! We know self-defense!" Obito shouted in your ear. You shoved your hand in his face, moving him away as you held your abused ear.

Rin cocked her head to the side. "I don't see the problem with (Y/n) taking classes. It sounds like a great idea considering there's somebody still harassing her."

Kakashi exhaled exasperatedly, his words not going through that thick and stubborn mind you owned. Though, that was something he loved about you.

"I'll text you guys later." You said, about to head off.

"Wait!" Obito grabbed your hand, a confused and almost hurt look displayed. "Are you not going to come with Kakashi and me like usual? I thought we were going to play genshin impact together..." The male guilt-tripped, attempting to make you change your mind.

Guilt tore away. Leaving your two boyfriends just didn't feel right, and Obito was visibly saddened by you not going with them.

But what about Rin?

Glancing at the small brown-haired female that held hands with you, she simply smiled softly. Her hands untangled with yours, claiming you two could hang out another time.

What did Rin expect? You to choose her over Kakashi and Obito? No. There was no way that would happen. After all, whether you realized it or not, you were wrapped around the two killers' manipulative fingers. Not that the tiny woman knew of such, but nonetheless, you were seemingly closer with them than her.

"Are you sure it's okay, Rin-Rin?"

She nodded. "Of course! Just make sure you text me, okay? I'll be waiting!" Hugging you goodbye, she waved the two males off and went towards her own vehicle.

You felt awful for ditching your best friend like that. Rin did not deserve somebody like you. She was way too nice and forgiving...

"Yay, let's go! Zhongli's fat ass is awaiting us!" Obito claimed. He excitingly grabbed your hand and dragged you towards Kakashi's car.

≪ °✾° ≫

The building in front of you was something you have never noticed despite its large size. It was the designated place that taught multiple kinds of classes. Things ranging from martial arts to being a normal gym, it seemed to have almost everything. But you were here for self-defense classes.

Wearing a simple gym outfit, you entered the building, the sight of men and women working out greeting you. Their personal trainers pumped them up, praising and pushing them to the limits.

Already having signed up for classes online, you signed in, awaiting whoever your personal teacher would be. Hopefully, they were female and nice—

"Oh, it's Kakashi's girlfriend again!"

You groaned Internally. 'Not this guy... Why is he showing up everywhere all of a sudden?'

"How many times do I have to tell you I'm not Kakashi's girlfriend?" You snapped as the loud bowl-cut male sauntered up to you. He wore a spandex green suit with a red sash, followed by black shoes.

He laughed obnoxiously, patting your upper back with much force. You stumbled forward, a glare being sent the obvious teen's way when you finally stabilized. "I'm just joking! Now, are you the one I'm training for self-defense?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2021 ⏰

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𝐫𝐮𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐬 ; u. obito & h. kakashi Where stories live. Discover now