𝐮𝐧𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬

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"Are you guys really dating?!" You gasped, shocked by the fact your two friends were together.

Let alone gay— or bi. But nonetheless a same-sex couple.

Obito had displayed signs of it based on past messages and actions, though it was still surprising. He had flirted with you, been touchy, and blushed often at things you've said or done, so you assumed he developed a crush on you. Turns out you were wrong. Honestly, if anything he's probably bisexual rather than fully gay.

Well, Obito is really out there...

Oh and Kakashi?

You had suspected he was fully gay.

Never once has he spared any girl a glance or verbally expressed anything regarding girls other than how toxic the women are in school.

It was sort of funny. Kakashi was depicted as this complete and utter sex machine from the whispers, yet here he was. Hiding his face from you so as to not see the reddened flush. He almost looked like a schoolgirl, though his crimson ears gave him away regardless.

"Wow... How long if you don't mind me asking?"

"For the past year in secret. We don't want to draw attention to ourselves is all." Kakashi stated, finally regaining his composure.

He's such a great actor.

Obito nodded, letting his friend do the talking, as Kakashi was one to take the lead in these situations.

Daddy dom!

By now, you all almost reached separate ways, as Obito and Kakashi rode together while you walked. They always offered to take you to and from school, though you declined, saying the walk is the only form of exercise you do and is needed. That doesn't stop you from not exercising though, just the walking is the most done and required.

"Oh... Well, I'm happy for you guys! I won't tell anybody about this, thanks for trusting me with this info. Anyways, I'll see y'all tomorrow, byeeeee!

The two waved you off and proceeded onward to the white-haired man's car.

≪ °✾° ≫

Unlocking the door to your house, you entered, finding your mom to be cooking dinner.

"Hi, honey!" The clanging of pans and sizzling of food was heard the closer you moved towards the kitchen. "How was school?"

Slumping down on the kitchen island, you rested your head in between your arms.

"It wasn't that good, honestly... My belongings were stolen when I was in gym so I had to wear these clothes home. I don't even know how they got in! The doors were locked and they needed my combination!" Water was placed onto the counter along with a bowl of fruit. Plucking out a grape, your mother spoke up.

"That's weird. Do you think you may have a stalker?"

You flinched internally at the idea. Please, to whatever god is up there, please don't let it be a stalker.

If it was a stalker, how do people even go about handling those? Like, does one just ignore them? Try to please them so they'd be left alone? Shit.

I guess I can handle it however when something happens...

"I-I hope not," thinking about it began to scare you. Now that your mom pointed it out, that does sound pretty reasonable. Especially since you've been receiving little notes in your school locker. "What do I do? Oh god, oh geez..."

Arms held your body close from the seated position, a pair of lips meeting your cheek. "Have there been any signs it actually is a stalker? Do you have any suspicions?"

𝐫𝐮𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐬 ; u. obito & h. kakashi Where stories live. Discover now