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So, at least you made a friend in this school already. Honestly, you didn't expect to make any this soon. Nonetheless, you were thankful.

Obito was like a ray of sunshine, it was really cute to see how animatedly he'd talk about things he loves and how he enjoys helping others. Especially when you learned he would always stop to help out an elder even if he'd end up late.

"Oh my gosh, Obito that's the cutest thing ever!" You squealed at his stories of helping. "I love older people so much! They're sooo cute!"

Obito nodded fervently at your words. "Yes! Especially when,"

"they're holding hands with their partner!"

"—when they're holding hands with their lover!"

You both simultaneously spoke, a grin that stretched from ear to ear adorning both of your faces. A high-five echoed through the room, the stinging sensation of your hand, giving you an adrenaline rush.

By now, the work that was handed out to be worked on had been long forgotten. It was classwork time, though nobody really worked on it in the first place. They just chatted with their friends or done something else other than the assignment. Only the minority actually did the work.

"I like you a lot already, Obito."

His cheeks flushed pink at your words, his heart picking up pace.

"M-Me too!"

Perking up at the idea you had, you grabbed your backpack and rummaged through it as Obito peered over to watch you do whatever. When he saw you grab what you were looking for, he leaned back into his own space.

"Can we exchange numbers?" You asked, wiggling the (F/C) phone case, finding that Obito was great company. Maybe he could be an actual friend rather than just a class friend. That would be really nice.

"Y-Yea," he fumbled around with his backpack, trying to search for his phone he had just thrown in there.

"Woah, your backpack is a mess. How do you find things in there?.." You commented, staring at all the papers and random things that stuck out of his bag. It was like the Uchiha just shoved everything he received in there. How couldn't he organize things? Your eye twitched at the mess, feeling the urge to clean up for him.

And that's just what you did.

Scooting his backpack closer to you, he stared confused when you began to pull everything out of his bag.

"What are you doing? You're gonna make me lose my things!" Obito stressed, watching everything that was previously in his backpack be dumped out onto the small table.

"We're going to clean and organize this mess! I can't stand it! Just tell me if you need any of the papers and then we'll organize them into your binders after."

And so, it began. Cleaning the never-ending paper producer while Obito would "keep" or "trash" the papers. You could not believe the amount of junk he had in there. Ranging from papers that were from years ago, all the way to expired snacks.

Oh god, imagine his room... Looks like I'll be deep cleaning that place too if I ever get the chance...

"Geez, Tobi! There's a paper from two years ago in here!"

He snatched it, trying to recognize what it was. His face lit up in realization.

"I knew I did do this assignment! Do you think my old teacher will let me turn it in?" He dumbly asked, waving the paper around.

"...Wha? Are you serious," you chuckled at the question, Obito heating up at your laugh. He's strangely glad he's the only one to make you giggle.

"Yea! This was like a few summative grades! I almost failed the class because of this thing." He pouts, crumbling it up and throwing it into the trash can that was scooted over to the two of your shared table, so it was easier accessed.

𝐫𝐮𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐬 ; u. obito & h. kakashi Where stories live. Discover now