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"So, (Y/n), what's your favorite part of forensics anyway?" Kakashi asked across from you. Throughout lunch, you got to know the more stoic man better, slowly wiggling your way into his tight-knitted group of friends.

The more friends you could make the better things will be. So far there was Obito and Rin, whom you've both exchanged numbers with. Kakashi seems like he will take more time to become better friends with, though you doubted it would take long. Everyone always told you how easy you were to get along with after all.

"Hmm... I really enjoy the anthropology aspect of it. Y'know I'm actually thinking of going into anthropology! That or maybe become an archaeologist."

"Really? That's actually a pretty nice goal to reach. I would have never thought you'd want to be one of those two, especially since they don't even pay much."

So, it's safe to say that Kakashi already enjoyed your company. He was right when he suspected you'd be smart, though you're more-so average. The bed-headed boy could actually hold an intellectual conversation with you, rather than the two others that sat and listened, as they never wanted to talk about school-related things.

"Eh, pay doesn't concern me that much. But what about you? What are your favorite forensic subjects?"

Kakashi stayed silent to think for a while as Obito twitched in annoyance.

He didn't expect you and his friend to hit it off this well, or at all in his honest opinion. Would Kakashi end up stealing you from him just like he stole Rin as well? Plus, all the school talk is stupid! What even is antspology? A study on ants?!

Alongside Obito's annoyance was Rin's. She hated she felt this way, as she truly liked you. The brown-haired girl knows you both could become great friends, it's just the fact how open Kakashi is with you, that is making her say otherwise. It took her forever to get him to even acknowledge her existence, yet here you were, chatting so easily with the man she's in love with. And why did her love even do so this quickly? It's not like him.

"I guess bloodstain analysis and maybe pathology?" He said after a few seconds.

"That's it, I can't take it any longer!" You shuffled away instinctively when Obito shot up from his seat. "All this dumb science stuff is killing me! Who cares about whatever a pissology is,"

Pissology? Does... he mean pathology? Oh my gosh—

You burst out laughing at your friend's words while apologizing throughout breaths.

"S-Sorry it's just yo-you said pissology and— hahaha!" Kakashi stared in a daze at the attempted muffled laughter coming from your pinks lips. It was cute.

Obito grinned, proud he unintentionally made you laugh. "Huh? I thought it was pissology!" That made you laugh louder, tears springing into the corner of your eyes while struggling to breathe.

"S-Stop, I can't—" The lunch bell rang signaling it was over. Finally calming down, everyone packed up, walking alongside each other till everyone had to go their separate ways.

The chat from earlier continued as he walked the two of you to class. Kakashi was surprisingly enjoyable to be around. Honestly, you didn't expect much when he gave you his first impression, but now that he opened up just a little bit, it was nice.

Tugging onto the taller man's sleeve, he stopped mid-speech to stare down at you, finding a blush to form on his face as he could slightly see your cleavage. He just realized how much shorter you are than him. What if he just wrapped his arms around you? Would they swallow your entire form up? Or if he held your hand? How much smaller would they be in his? Thankfully, you couldn't see how his flush deepened into a crimson hue at the thoughts, as his mask covered it.

𝐫𝐮𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐬 ; u. obito & h. kakashi Where stories live. Discover now