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To say your relationship with Kakashi had changed would be a total understatement.

There was more intimacy involved after that night, lots of your attention being on the handsome masked male and vice-versa. Especially because Kakashi craved affection. He had told you about how his father, whom you never even met, is never home, and rarely ever seen, so he had never grown up with much of a parental figure to praise or give attention to him.

His story pulled at your heartstrings, now feeling the need to always give the silver-haired male the attention and love he inwardly craved for.

Though, the relationship made you feel a bit weird. You were timid. Anxious. You felt awful.

Especially because you felt like you were suddenly stealing your best friend's man. Who, by the way, didn't mind how intimate you were with the masked male. The only thing he did mind however was the fact you didn't treat him the same.

Like now, as he whined when Kakashi called you over to sit in between his legs while the male hugged you from behind.

"It's not fair, (Y/n)! What you do to one you have to do to the other, that's the rule!" Obito was standing at the bed's end frame with a bratty pout and crossed arms, impatiently tapping his foot on the carpet.

Kakashi's hair tickled your neck when he rested his head there, a soft kiss placing itself on the area, making you flush, much to Obito's dismay.

Obito thought you'd fall for him first.

You were way closer to him and he did kiss you first. Turns out Kakashi's charm was something the Uchiha had underestimated concerning you.

Was he feeling jealous? Maybe a little.

Insecure? Definitely.

Kakashi this, Kakashi that. It was and will always Kakashi.

And as much as he loved his boyfriend as well, he couldn't help but have that old and VERY familiar envy creep up on him just a smidge.

Most of his thoughts resurfaced. Like how he wasn't good enough, similar to what he's been told all his life. It was only you and Rin that told him otherwise. Or really, make him himself think and feel otherwise. Although, he was just focused on you, not Rin.

You were the one plaguing his mind and heart, and it hurt to see you not giving him the attention he longed for just as much as Kakashi did.

You gave no response to Obito, as you didn't have a clue as to what you wanted to say In response. What he said was, well, true.

But Obito was more like a best friend to you. Maybe friends with benefits, just without the sex?

"Obito, don't pester it so much," Kakashi muttered, running his hand down your body. Not in a sexual way, he just enjoyed softly touch you.

Still not taking the hint, Obito stared you down from his stance. His eye and finger twitched when you continued to ignore him, as well as not making eye contact.

"(Y/n), answer me. Don't ignore me." The whiny voice that Tobi normally sported changed into a deeper one, causing you to flinch almost unnoticed.

Kakashi shot Obito a warning glare when he felt you jump and discreetly crawl in closer to his body. He kept his arms wrapped tightly and securely.

You gripped the silver-haired male's hand nervously under the rather unnerving stare from the darker ebony eyes.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" You questioned, narrowing your eyes right back.

𝐫𝐮𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐬 ; u. obito & h. kakashi Where stories live. Discover now