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You sighed. "Thanks so much, Sasori..."

Slumping down in the seat, the heat rolled off said place, warming your body up from the cold. As well as the hot air that blasted out the little passageways in the front. The sudden contrast from the windy weather to a warmer temperature was a bit numbing. Though you accepted it with open arms.

Besides, numbness was something you were kinda used to.

"How are you with Deidara?" You hoarsely questioned, leaning your head against the window while enveloping your vision in black.

The car turned a corner, smoothly at that. Light music played in the silence that sat in after the question was asked. Peeking an eye open, you glanced at Sasori, who was staring straight ahead, blatantly ignoring the inquiry. How rude.

Well, it would be considered rude if it wasn't for the fact he had a very light tint to his pale cheeks.


You closed your eye again, listening to how he cleared his throat a bit before speaking. His small hands fiddled with the wheel, sliding it across and squeezing it on occasion. "We're good..."

"That's all you're gonna give me?"

"Yes, now shut up."

A huff escaped your mouth, followed by a few grumbles. Sasori was always one to be direct. Which people for some reason deemed straightforward responses, or brutal honesty, as "brash", which was rather idiotic. It's better, to be honest than not!

"Gladly." You mocked. Staring out through the window, houses passed quickly and came right back within a second. The area became a bit more familiar, and thankfully, you'd be home soon, but not soon enough in your book.

This allowed you to succumb to your thoughts, unfortunately.

Just who was that earlier? And why would they even want you?

Who the hell am I kidding, it could have just been some stranger trying to sex traffic me.

Why do I always have to think that it's somebody specific? Geez... I have such a shit mindset.

Regardless, how come this always happens to me? Can't I live a somewhat normal life? It was already terrible before, this was supposed to be better.

A deep frown played itself onto your lips. Your thoughts always did get the best of you. Thankfully when you opened your eyes, you were just down the block.

Stretching, you packed your belongings close, ignoring the worrying message that was sent twenty-two minutes ago from Kakashi.

Obito apparently couldn't even bother because of how pissy he was behaving, huh?

When the familiar house pulled up, the lights were still on. Thankfully, it wasn't late enough for your mother to be terribly concerned, so with that, you gave a goodbye hug to Sasori and walked into your house.

"You're home early, (Y/n)!" Your mother exclaimed from the couch excitedly. She beamed at you, making your heart drop a bit.

How could such a woman like Azami have dealt with the most horrible things and still have such a strong will?

From being abandoned by her birth parents and thrown into an orphanage, only to never be adopted and marrying a shitty man, to having a daughter that only seemed to cause her unneeded stress and worry?

"Mom..." you croaked, dropping all your belongings down without a care. Your throat began to constrict when the waterworks kicked in. "I can't do this anymore."

𝐫𝐮𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐬 ; u. obito & h. kakashi Where stories live. Discover now