𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞

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⚠️[pls read a/n at the end to understand how I'm going about the two boyz!]⚠️

When the doors burst open and the body was sent flying off of you, you didn't even have time to process it as hands gently helped you out of the car while you heard the familiar shouting of your friend.

"K-Kakashi," you hiccuped, holding him close, falling to the ground, with him following suit so you could curl up to him. He made sure to hold you with the utmost care as if you were a sickly, frail, little dog found in the dirty and cold alleyway. "I— how— he," coherent sentences couldn't be heard as each time a choked sob came out, the whispers that Kakashi sent into your ears being overlapped by the crying. His touch was filled with love and care, easing you into him more.

"Obito and I are here for you, don't worry no more. We won't let anybody hurt you," he cooed, your loud sobs lessening, turning into hiccups. "I promise we'll keep you safe baby."

Your forehead rested in the crook of his neck, the tears flowing down his shirt. A soft pair of lips kissed the side of your head, the hands never stopping their peaceful strokes. When he began to pull back, you clung onto him, not wanting to be alone.

"D-Don't leave— me, please," his heart broke at the puffy, tear stricken face you had, his hands making quick work to wipe the constant tears that continued to run. Your heart pounded in your chest at his actions.

"I'll never leave you, (Y/n). I'm just going to grab Obito for you, is that okay?" When you nodded, he slowly released you, his form disappearing behind the car as you suddenly felt cold without a warm body.

As Obito turned the corner of the car, you wordlessly sniffled and opened your arms from the seated position you were in on the ground, him immediately sprinting into your direction with tears in his eyes. The man's hands lifted you while you instinctively wrapped yourself around him like a koala would a branch, the sobs coming back.

The Uchiha sniffled alongside you, light tears hitting your exposed shoulder, causing you both to squeeze each other tighter. His large, warmer hands were gentle like Kakashi's, though he had a tighter grip, scared to let you go.

"I'm so sorry we weren't quick enough, we'll protect you next time," he would shakily whisper, as you ignored the metallic smell of blood coming from the man that carried you. "I'll always be there for you no matter when or where Kakashi and I promise to keep you safe from harm."

Wordlessly, you nodded, finally calming down, too worn out from all the crying and struggling earlier. He placed a kiss near your ear, stroking your bareback.

Another car pulled up, as you immediately recognized it, your mother's concerned cries coming out, a police siren slowly following her arrival. Obito gently let you down, your mother crashing you into a hug, her sobs making tears flow out of your eyes for what felt like the one-hundredth time within the half-hour.

You didn't even pay attention to the police when Kakashi brought out the bloody and bruised man from behind the car, as they began to explain what they saw.

"Oh my god— my baby— my love— I'm so sorry, my sweet angel," her sobs were louder than your silent cries while she would hold you close to her, rubbing her hands up and down your back while holding the back of your head. "Mommy loves you so much, oh god—"

The three men watched sadly at the scene, the bloody boy already in the back of the police car, Obito being the one to scavenge for your phone and bag in the car. The officer tipped his hat to the two of you, apologizing while asking what happened about the man in the back seat before he took off.

Pulling back from your mother, Kakashi decided now was the best time to hand you your uniform top back. Your mother began to thank them profusely offering them any type of repayment, as you walked up beside your mom, holding her arm close.

𝐫𝐮𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐬 ; u. obito & h. kakashi Where stories live. Discover now