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Awkwardly sitting beside Shisui and Obito, you shifted nervously in your seat.

Rin was in the same state as you. Nervous and very awkward. She sat across from you, beside Kakashi as always, trying to distract herself with her phone, though not able to pay attention due to the heavy atmosphere.

Males asserting domination on other guys is gross. You cringed internally, desperately wanting to retreat from how randomly awkward this felt.

Why the hell were they so tense anyway?

"Shisui, is it?" Kakashi started, his eyes creasing to indicate a smile. Said male quickly noted how insincere it was despite the mouth being blocked. He plastered a similar one of his own onto his face while nodding his head. "It's nice to meet you."

Like the formal man Kakashi is, he stuck a hand out for Shisui to grasp. Their hands interlocked, rather tightly and full of intent on the masked males part if one was paying attention to the two hands that stretched across the lunch table. Though that wasn't your focus, your focus was on Shisui. And your phone.

"You as well." Their hands flew back to their body as if it that simple touch was somehow contagious. The silent atmosphere took place right after that, Obito twitching in irritation from the lack of communication.

Shisui wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you into his side, causing Obito to visibly tense, Kakashi being able to keep his cool though feeling his blood pump.

Shifting your attention from the cellular device, you curiously peered up at the male. He just smiled, not offering any form of explanation for his behavior.

Deciding he couldn't take enough, Obito finally opened his mouth.

"(Y/n) are you gonna talk with me?" He pouted, easily removing Shisui's hands, and to instead replace them with his own, pulling you into his side instead. "I already apologized, how long are you gonna stay mad at me?"

Clawing at Obito's strong grip, it didn't budge.

Guess it's time for you to stop being stubborn and just admit defeat, huh?

You sighed, slumping down in the lunchroom seat, resting your forehead against the table. Rin and Shisui were confused with the problem at hand concerning the Uchiha clinging onto you, continuing to watch. Mostly Shisui as he wanted nothing more than to tear you away completely from the two males' lives he didn't gather a good feeling from.

"Yes, yes, sorry. I shouldn't have overreacted like that, I do feel bad, let me make it up to you or something." Finally moving Obito's hand away from your waist, you sat back up to look him in the eyes.

"Just don't go through my phone like that without my permission again, okay?"

"As long as you don't go through my diary without my permission!" Obito fired back with an upset huff. Now that you weren't ignoring him, things could go back to how they were. "Besties?"

A snort left your form, lifting your fist to connect with his. "Besties."

He immediately glomped you into a hug, squeezing you way too tightly for comfort as he placed a chaste kiss to the side of your head, much to your embarrassment. Due to being stuffed into Obito's body, you missed the smirk he sent to your childhood best friend, glares being shared.

𝐫𝐮𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐬 ; u. obito & h. kakashi Where stories live. Discover now