𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟 𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞

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Obito was bouncing in the passenger seat, excited that he could finally get a stuffed animal. Why he wanted one so bad? He just really likes them.

Especially since they belong to you which doubled the worth of them in his mind.

"You got the key?" Kakashi asked, his car being parked across the street from your house. Obito flashed a grin before waving the said mini tool around, following Kakashi out of the car and to the door.

"You go first. I'll wait out here and tell you if I see anybody. You remember the things you planned on getting?" Obito nodded, already stepping foot inside the house, having to wear gloves and some weird shoe things so as to not leave any prints.

"Yep, got it!" Obito eagerly closed the door and made his way to the upstairs, having to go through a couple of closed doors before finding your room. Inhaling, a tingling feeling flowed through his body at the floral scent that made up the room.

"God, it smells so good... And wow..." he took his time in admiring the room you stayed in, taking in how clean and organized everything was.

It was like nothing was out of place, even the posters hanging above your wall were crease-free, all hung up evenly, and in what seemed to be organized in sections around the room as well. The little figurines laying around were spotless, as that term could also be used to be referred to the whole room. He sniffed around to find the floral scent to be coming from a wallflower, Tobi noting he should definitely invest in one.

Remembering just what he was here for, he strode over to the drawers, trying to find the things he wanted.

"Kakashi said not to take the nice, noticeable things, sooo..." he mutters, rummaging through the underwear drawer, taking one that sat below all the others. Along the way of searching for the underwear, he grabbed a pair of shorts that stuffed itself into the little bag he carried.

And maybe he sort of took way more than what was agreed on— but Kakashi didn't need to know that.

Obits is determined to win this!

Whistling, he went through boxes and the closet, hoping to find what he really wanted. The bed you had was littered with the little stuffed cuties, some bigger than others, like the mouse squishmallow just sitting there beside the tinier ones. There was also a large (F/C) llama plushie in the corner of the room.

He seriously wants to take all of those. But he couldn't, as you would notice. So, hopefully, you had some you never took out.

He giggled like an excited child when he finally came upon the large box in a closet that was filled with stuffed animals. He made quick work to find the ones he found best. His girly giggles turned into snickers when he found what he deemed as the best.

"This is literally the best shit ever, oh my god." In his hands was the tubby grey blob from the meme, it's hands clasped together. How could you lock away this masterpiece? If he wasn't borrowing this from you, he sure as hell would have brought it up to you since you and he are iconic when texting. All those good memes, and here was one of them, locked away.

Making sure everything was back in order, he closed the door and left the house, making his way up to Kakashi.

"You got what you wanted?" Obito nodded with a grin, taking over Kakashi's position.

Just like Obito, Kakashi wore the proper gear and made his way into your room, the floral scent sending shivers down his spine. He let out a satisfied hum when he took note of how organized and spotless the room was. Similar to his room, yours was bare of any form of mess. Though you were way more decorative than him.

𝐫𝐮𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐬 ; u. obito & h. kakashi Where stories live. Discover now