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Scribbling down your answer for the pop quiz you were currently taking, you ignored the pleading coal eyes of your seat partner.

Also known as phone snatcher. Aka puppy dog. Aka jealous bitch. Aka nosy thot. Aka the world's biggest simp.

Or you may simply just know him as Obito.

Normally you would help him here and there with his quizzes or tests in math, as you knew stats class was pretty hard, but with the stunt he pulled earlier, it left a bitter taste in your mouth. You yourself knew you would probably still be angry if it wasn't for the fact Shisui's unexpected presence calmed you down.

Speaking of Shisui, he was on your mind non-stop once you departed from his side after you received his number. Of course, you made him promise to call you so you could catch up with up. Especially because your mother would be ecstatic to see him again, as it had been four years since she had last seen him.

Let's give a quick rewind...

"Long time no see, mouse." Shisui grinned wildly, his one dimple that you had always adored making an appearance.

"Don't give me that bullshit," his smile dropped at your cold statement, internally questioning what was wrong with his greeting.

Was he supposed to pull up with a bouquet of tiny Rilakkuma plushies, surrounded by fake flowers and fancy lace of different patterns like you had always wanted?

Now that he thought about it, maybe he should have. Just so he could see that lovely toothy smile of yours when he did something special for you.

In his defense, this was an unexpected meeting!

Though, were you seriously going to be mad at him even though you haven't seen him in years?

"Give me a damned hug, you little shit!"

No, you could never be pissed off by him. Not Shisui.

Flinging yourself into his larger frame, he chuckled, embracing you easily when your body crashed pretty hard into his own. You always were pretty rambunctious with him when you were younger. Plus, he was used to this despite a four-year separation gap.

"I missed you so much, Sushi, where have you been and how come you haven't texted me?!" Squeezing him tightly as some form of "punishment", he wheezed. Deciding he couldn't handle you attempting to bruise his body, he pulled back with a sheepish grin while scratching his cheek.

"I was in America, remember?" He reminded you. "I wanted to message and call you, but I lost my phone..."

The bodies that had packed the hallways had slowly dispersed one by one, as class would begin in a few minutes. Those lingering around either didn't care or were waiting till the last minute to book it to their class. Deciding you didn't want to be late to your first hour, you pulled the taller male into a more gentle hug than the first one and pulled back.

"Can I get your number?" The ebony male asked, already going to grab his phone.

Following suit in his actions, you joked, "Only if you take me out to dinner first."

Typing in his new phone number on your phone, he huffed with a shake of his slightly curly, wild hair.

"You already know I'd gladly take you anywhere imaginable in the world."

A light flush took over your face, knowing that he was being sincere in his offer. Especially the fact that he grew to be rather handsome.

𝐫𝐮𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐬 ; u. obito & h. kakashi Where stories live. Discover now